Things that helped you stop your addiction?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Imgonnadothis070, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. Imgonnadothis070

    Imgonnadothis070 New Fapstronaut

    I’m sick of myself, i’ve been fapping since the first day i turned 12. I’m 18 now and i’m still fapping just depressed and lost. The only things that make me horny are crazy porn that i don’t even wanna explain.
    It’s been a couple days since i last fapped and i want to continue to be sober. Do you bros have good tips for someone that is really addicted.. I just want to be normal again.
    Omda72 likes this.
  2. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Spend alot of time here. About as much time as you've spent with your addiction.
    Dro44ept, Alex1993 and Jae98 like this.
  3. Jae98

    Jae98 Fapstronaut

    Is it possible just to watch porn but not pmo
  4. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    No.!!! Porn is the main culprit.... masturbation is second messes up the BRAIN..& Fapping messes up the body..
    Jae98 likes this.
  5. - Join a GYM / Exercise a lot or walk or anything of physical (normal) activity
    - Put your phone away from your bed charge it somewhere else
    - Sleep early, wake up early
    - Try to do something around you; whether it's helping someone or learning something
    - Eat a light diet in terms of no heavy sugars/fat seemed to help here a lot
    - Cold showers could work
    - Do not think about porn... rthe second the thought comes kills it else it takes you down a bad path
    - Do not watch any images/videos cuz it will start the whole process
    Imgonnadothis070, Omda72 and Alex1993 like this.
  6. I say this everytime, but if you are serious, get help!
    Talk to a therapist or psychologist. There is no need to discuss porn with them immediately. But any addiction requires a strategy and talking with an empathetic professional. I'm sorry, but will power alone is not sufficient. Get the help you need and deserve!
  7. Imgonnadothis070

    Imgonnadothis070 New Fapstronaut

    Thank you i Will try this, much appreciated!
  8. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    Make the reason why you want to quit strong very strong revisit it as often as you can.

    Understand the process is non linear. Im only been doing nofap for a month my.progress has been stuck a the 5 day mark twice then 6 days once then 7 my most recent streak was 14 days. Could i progress faster if i did it in one go yes. Is that a realistic expectation no.

    Learn from each failure. Keep a journal to note why you failed at each step so that youre ready for it the next time around. For me personally i just realized i have to go monk mode. Recent reset was due to Instagram.

    Be kind to yourself. Realize where you are now but believe it wont be forever. Dont beat yourself up for resets.

    Set short medium long term goals. I recently rewarded myself of reaching 2 weeks by buying a self help book. Not only is it a reward, the reward itself ends up feeding my mind. This also helps for me to keep me motivated.

    Educate yourself on the addiction, never stop learning.

    For me the getting to 7 days was really hard. Took me 4-5 tries to get to 7 days but got to14 immediately after 7. As you go on you strengthen the ability to control yourself and say no.

    Some articles state it may take 1-2 years for the grey matter to fully recover in your brain depending on the severity of the addiction. So just know that the process is long and thats okay. For me im doing nofap for the long haul so time is just relative.

    Adjust your personal goals as you progress as you will change and progress as an individual
  9. Imgonnadothis070

    Imgonnadothis070 New Fapstronaut

    Thank you, this really gives me the motivation too keep going, love this community.
  10. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    Also this might not be the best advice but if you do reset do it in a healthier way. Dont jackhammer your penis that could damage your overall penis health. Train it at the same time knock out 2 burds with one stone. Hold off on O so you train yourself to last longer in bed when you are with a woman.