There's this girl at the market I want to ask out but...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Max666, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    ...every time she's there I'm either in the wrong mood or I'm too god damn nervous.

    She works at the checkout. I was there today and my plan was to ask her out then, I didn't need any vegetables or anything but I grabbed some spinach, walked towards her, she was all alone, not a customer in sight BUT then I decided to get some eggs, walked passed her to get them and she left her station. Brilliant! if only I didn't get the bloody eggs. So I reluctantly paid for my useless crap at the other counter, realizing I should've just kept walking around, got something else and waited.

    I practice Qi gone and meditation several times a day and I'm always in my body, relaxed but I think the building of expectation causes me to be nervous and the transition from being at peace to nervous is what causes tension beyond what would normally be there had I not meditated. It's a shock to the system.

    She's a very beautiful, Asian girl. And I dont want to be intimated by her any more! How does one overcome this and be in the moment more?
  2. One_More_Chance

    One_More_Chance Fapstronaut

    I suggest you study a bit before you attempt this. Check out videos on YouTube in how to ask out servicepeople.

    Many years ago, I asked out a cashier girl at a local market. She said no and I never vent back there. This meant that I had to do groceries at other stores for several years until she quit her job and I could go back (I suffered from severe social anxiety back then).

    Is it really worth the risk? Surely there are other girls you could ask out whitout any risks of embarrassment.
  3. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Dude you could just say "Oh well, I had to try", and you could keep going normaly.
    SparkySub likes this.
  4. One_More_Chance

    One_More_Chance Fapstronaut

    This was 10+ years ago, but yes, you are 100% right. I would never do something like this nowadays.
    greenishmoon likes this.
  5. NTG

    NTG Fapstronaut

    Try not to get plagued by ONEitis. There is an abundance of women in this world. I personally don't shit where I eat tbh but if you're attracted to her, all you can do is bring your 50% to the table.

    You can't control other people's actions. Only yours. Rejection is better than regret.
  6. Try this (it is a soft approach).

    “Hey there — I have a personal question I have been wanting to ask you but I don’t want to disrespect you doing it when you are working .... Is there a way I can contact you outside of work ?”

    She says yes you get the info and build up.

    She says no, or maybe you just nod and smile like you want whatever is best for her.

    Same idea but you just ask a hypothetical question.

    “If i were to ask for your number would you feel ok giving it here or would you prefer to be asked outside of your job?”

    Either place You don’t reveal your cards but obviously you are interested in talking to her directly.

    Asking girls out at work does work but it’s incredibly selfish to do it.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  7. safa61947

    safa61947 Fapstronaut

    There is a chance she is being nice just because you are a customer, have you thought about that?
  8. She is stuck at a job and is compelled to be nice to everyone. So, take her attraction with a grain of salt.

    You can try asking her out for some ice cream after her work hours are over. This way you would get to know more of her, or in case she refuses, you wouldn't need to do your shopping at a different store for a long time. :)
  9. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Just go for it! Worse that can happen is you get rejected and that's not a big deal. Go in to score like Wayne Gretzky.
  10. Daedaleus

    Daedaleus Fapstronaut

    I'd suggest starting out with small talk if you haven't done so instead of jumping straight into asking her out. Show her some of your personality, get a feel for her personality as well. Just having a small conversation with her a couple of times as you check out over the next few times you go to the store would also probably make you more comfortable around her as well if you do decide to ask her out on a date.
    greenishmoon likes this.
  11. Theo3

    Theo3 Fapstronaut

    It always amazes me when people try and ask somebody out before they have even had a proper conversation together! How about you just keep shopping there as normal, and ask her a question like what vegetable she would recommend with a certain dish or what fruits you can put in a certain pudding....anything casual, then maybe you can tell her a joke or an anecdote and see how she responds. Once you have done this a few times and she’s used to talking to you, maybe could tell her she’s really pretty and you think she is she reacts to that will tell you a lot about whether or not she’s interested in you. Consider that she may not be single so if she responds positively to your conversation and compliments you could ask her if she is single. And then once you’ve gotten the green light THEN you could ask her if she would like to hang out some time. Asking her out totally out of the blue will catch her off guard, and you don’t really know anything about her, so why not take it slow, try and build up a rapport first, at least that way if she doesn’t show interest back or she’s not single you won’t feel bad about getting turned down.
  12. I think you should wait on it and build up a bond. Be friendly with her and try and make her laugh then she'll feel more at ease when you come in the next time. Maybe she will throw up a"hi" even? Laughing is the best thing you can do.

    A while back at my job there was a woman that I liked. At first I was just being my normal self to her and she kind of saw as a regular friend/co worker. I then kinda watched how my other co worker was who is a good friend and he always just try's to put on a mental postitiv ttitude and make people laugh. One day he did this thing where he would just play dumb and walk straight into a table and keep walking. I did the same thing after the next few days and she busted out laughing at me. The next day she took my phone and added her self on my facebook. Lastly most of all I can say is look presentable and it will catch her eye as well.
  13. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    Actually, she's not really that polite to be truthful. She doesn't smile or anything. She seems quite sad in fact. Sad and shy. I guess that's what I find attractive, strangely enough . If she was all smiles I probably wouldn't give her a second glance as I've know many girls in the past who were this way and everything bounces off them.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
  14. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    Dude, that's actually my game plan but every time I walk in the place (since the egg incident) she runs away. I mean she literally drops everything, leaves the cash register and does some other activity. My one and only conversation with her before was about her ethnicity, she was born in this country but her parents are Vietnamese. Maybe she got offended or something by the question 'where are you from?' She probably feels more Australian than me.
  15. tilemachos

    tilemachos Fapstronaut

    this is absolutely true.
    to ts , i had a thing for a woman who worked at the supermarket, so one day , i couldn't sit tight and i just had to try. so i bought a huge chocolate , wrote my number onto the label and passed it to her. never called me , or text me, but at least i tried. Didn't regret not for a second.
    but you have to keep in mind, that flirting , at workplaces are very difficult. If you run onto her , one day , on the street , than you'll have a common base were you can jump start a conversation.
    funny thing, there is another girl working now there which i like equally. but some times she talks to me sometimes not and she's very ''cold''. i'll never try something at the workplace, but if some day a see her on the street i'll nefinitely try, even though i already know the the odds are against me.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
  16. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    I know this should have been painful in the past but you gotta admit it is hilarious. I've been through the same. Personally my weakest spot is exactly in cashiers, waitresses, etc. But it is also a difficult game to play, they're working and literally HAVE to treat you well and be kind. Anyway you should make some jokes eventually and see the other person response, maybe small talk as someone up there adviced. After that, well, I gave some girls my number and said compliments to others and maybe that's not the best idea upfront. But anyway, everything gives you experience.
    Homelander likes this.
  17. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    I think you need to realize that being on the wrong mood or too nervous are just excuses your mind comes up with in order to not have to leave your comfort zone. Just go for it knowing that whatever happens, the only thing that matters is how you carry yourself and that you'll be okay. You have nothing to lose.
    Homelander, greenishmoon and Get_It like this.
  18. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    This is good advice. In our death bed we will ache infinetly about all those things we wanted to do but didn't. That solely is enough reason to just do that scary things.
    Get_It likes this.
  19. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    1: Start talking to her to see if she's cool.
    2: If she's cool, ask for her number.

    And if she's offended by asking "where are you from?" do you really want her as a FWB even? No!

    Stop imagining who she is and go straight up and talk to her before getting junk at the market.
    Homelander and Get_It like this.