The START 2021 STRONGER Challenge [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. Don't lose sight of how bad we feel after a relapse. That guilt, shame, sick feeling - use it to be a reminder that you're not doing this to yourself anymore. You're worth this effort!

    Added you. BE A LEGEND!!!
    Say_Goodbye and Jefe Rojo like this.
  2. TripleHHH

    TripleHHH Fapstronaut

    I want to participate in the challenge.
    Started on 6/4/2020, 12:30:00 PM
    BrohkenCompass and Say_Goodbye like this.
  3. Gregory S

    Gregory S Fapstronaut

    Count me in! This is exactly what I've been looking for. My last PMO session was late night, August 2nd and I can't remember the time when I've gone this long without masturbating and I feel great. I look forward to sharing my continued success and hopefully encouraging others. I was addicted to porn and marathon edging sessions for far too long and I can assure you, freedom from porn and masturbation is not only possible but incredibly rewarding in many areas of your life.
  4. gaccts82

    gaccts82 Fapstronaut

    how do i join this? looks like i started just in time
  5. thikk

    thikk Fapstronaut

    Shaky night. Still clean. No pmo.
    Jefe Rojo and Gregory S like this.
  6. Adding all to the LEGENDS Tier. Good to see a couple more Veterans getting into the group to share ideas and support. Welcome to the last challenge of 2020.
    thikk and Jefe Rojo like this.
  7. Gregory S

    Gregory S Fapstronaut

    Thanks for adding me, seems like a great way to close this crazy year out.
    Say_Goodbye, thikk and BrohkenCompass like this.
  8. Been so busy managing the challenge I did not get on lately and say that I am one week in and feeling pretty good. Minimal urges at the moment. I told my wife I am doing this - hard mode, and so it takes some of the heat off because now I "shouldn't" be trying to have sex with her and thinking about it so much - a huge trigger and problem area for me.

    Anyways guys keep up the good fight everybody. Today is day 100 to go until we hit next year running..... faster, stronger, more confident, less anxious, smarter, better looking..... you get the idea. Be vigilant... Strength be with you all.
  9. quickstarter

    quickstarter Fapstronaut

    Thank you brother...
  10. Gonza332

    Gonza332 New Fapstronaut

    Estoy adentro soy nuevo en el foro, tengo 18 años y decidí tomar las riendas de esto para que no siga dandome un mal vivir, espero su apoyo y recomendaciones para cuando llegue un pensamiento maligno, desde ya gracias
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  11. Bienvenido a NoFap! Puedes hacerlo!
  12. Good on you for going hard mode. I'm also married and from the day I last had sex with my wife I have never felt more determined to do this. I always get the chaser effect after having sex and go back to PMO. I managed 89 days Hard mode back in 2017. Unfortunately I fell back to my old ways after that. If your wife is supporting you, it will be so much easier.

    Good Luck
  13. John Uskglass

    John Uskglass Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Day 2. Focussing on good habits and good sleep. I had some work stress yesterday but I did get in some good exercise and a I slept well last night!
    BrohkenCompass and Jefe Rojo like this.
  14. She is....but I am the real problem. I get horny, want her, and like you said, if I have sex, chaser effect, MO usually leading to PMO later. If I get rejected for sex, usually PMO or private stash materials. Same

    This spring I told her I was doing hard mode. I would ask, she'd say no, remind me of our deal and what I asked her to do. She'd always give in after I "begged". Eventually she stopped even using that reasoning to say no. She sometimes would not want sex, but stopping bothering to use "noFap" as the reason. Point is, she 100% Supports me, but I am my own biggest enemy here.
    Jefe Rojo, thikk and Chakra_Serpent like this.
  15. Welcome to the forum. Not sure how much you've made your way around the website, but if you're wanting to get in on this challenge, that is great. If you're looking for the new members introduction area, check it out here -> New Members. Always a great place to start out.

    @Gonza332 I'll add you to the challenge after a confirmation reply because you've only got 1 post on NoFap and it's hard to know your intentions.
  16. theforgotten1423

    theforgotten1423 Fapstronaut

    Feeling angry and down a bit today. One of my triggers.

    Anger is one of those emotions that usually makes me go back to the habit. I was playing sports with my friends today and something happened which made me angry. However I am committed that I wont resort to porn to cope with my anger today. I have moved my laptop to the family room just to be on the safe side.

    Day 2 going on
    Chakra_Serpent, thikk and tonyk1982 like this.
  17. Unfortunate feelings, but a part of life. Good to read that you're taking positive actions to keep yourself on the safe side. Stay well my friend.
  18. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    @Chakra_Serpent This has been a recent learning experience for me. For my entire life I "topped off" sex IRL with PMO or MO, so now working on separating that cause and effect or typical pattern for me has been a challenge. The positive part is that since I've been on nofap my performance and reaction is much better IRL. Lately the wife and I have been very active and all that intimacy has really charged up my sexual energy, which makes staying away from PMO even harder. I won't do hard mode. I want a full life with the wife. So my vigilance to the chaser effect is on high alert and remains one of my biggest challenges in re-programming my "porn brain". I haven't been 100% successful but trying hard and seeking progress every time. Stay strong all.