The Pyramid

For Fapstronauts of the Protestant Christian faith.

  1. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Quitting addiction is like building a pyramid. We add a lot of great daily habits to form a strong foundation. Then we build higher and higher with more and more good habits. Finally, we add one last great habit at the top and we quit for good.

    Consider praying: “Father, show me what habits I need to have every day.”

    Obviously, this site has ideas for dozens of habits. So, if you study and pray, Almighty God might just start showing you a clearer path.

    Build your pyramid with daily habits. When you keep at it, someday you will only be one habit away from the top.
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  2. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I wrote about building a pyramid of great new activities which will greatly assist you. But, the challenge is remembering to do them. You can try sticky notes on your mirror, phone alarms, accountability partners, notes on your desk or calendar. You can develop codes so that the whole world does not know what is going on: While working I wrote TAFS a zillion times, it means – Turn aggressively from sin.

    When building your pyramid the base must be solid. Firstly, how to have a weak base.

    You join 3 softball teams because you are going to be active so that you can quit. But... say you do that but you ignore working on turning aggressively from lust. This is why it is so wise to follow this daily process:

    Repent fully, then pray: “Father, show me what to do.”

    Joining 3 softball teams is a good idea. But doing that plus reminding yourself to turn from lust every inning is a great idea (I often prayed, “Father help me to turn aggressively from sin,” 20-25 times daily when I was tempted). With that addition, now you are building your base (Turning from lust) and building upwards in your pyramid.

    Secondly, pray the “Show me” prayer because I don't know your past or present. God does. Over time He wants to give you special help for your special situation.

    Thirdly, there is power in “To Do.” Doing everything we know to quit, then asking the Almighty what He wants you to do to quit = increased power. Asking the Almighty what He wants you to do in life = increased power. Turning aggressively from sin = increased power in your life.

    Lastly, consider reading Nofap every day with a piece of paper with a triangle on it. Write “Daily Habits” at the bottom of the triangle. As you study, put in vital information close to the base of your pyramid.

    Over the next 30 days, see if you can “Do” the vital daily habits from the base of your pyramid every day.
  3. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    To quit, take an honest inventory of what you are doing to quit. Write out a list of what you do consistently to quit.
    The length of your list will not tell the full story, but it will tell you something.

    The pyramid example is a good one because we need a solid base. Bible study and prayer are vital, but we need new activities to replace tempting activities.

    Praising the Lord is fantastic, but it loses its power if we don't have turning from lust as a key part of the base of the pyramid.

    Second, consider making it a goal to be able to recite your top ten tips for quitting.

    Third, consider making it a goal to work on implementing one or two of your top ten into daily life.

    Finally, develop the habit of doing everything from the base of your pyramid daily. God will see your effort. Then consider praying:

    “Father, what do You want me to do to quit?

    This is a prayer that “always” eventually gets answered. Keep working, keep praying, and you will make it.
  4. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Today I am praying the prayer of Jabez often. The prayer is:

    “Lord, please expand my borders, and bless me indeed.”

    Why did Jabez pray that? My guess is because he had experienced God's blessing and thought it was great. He had seen God's hand on his life and the results gave him joy.

    Second, you need something special in your life. Something that makes you finally say, “This is the top of the pyramid. This is the key I have been looking for. This is why I will quit.”

    When we are determined to expand our borders (find our God-given purpose), the Holy Spirit is right there with us. Right now if your life is good, having the Holy Spirit closer makes it even better. But if life is hard, if relationships are hard, if everything stinks... having the Holy Spirit closer makes life wayyyyyyy better.

    Today, consider writing your own three versions of this prayer. Something like:

    “Father, help me to turn from lust, please expand my borders, and bless me indeed.”

    “Father, show me the destruction lust causes me, please expand my borders, and bless me indeed.”

    “Father, show me how to live so that we can have a great relationship, please expand my borders, and bless me indeed.”

    Jesus wants a close special relationship with you. Consider praying these prayers often because when you are in full pursuit of your purpose, you will have no more need for any of satan's short-term deceptions.

    For the full article click.