The power of imagination - Lot didn't look back

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Just because we can choose to look at porn or masturbate, just because it's socially acceptable to do so, doesn't mean we should. We are free and have the right to say no, to stand up against this abomination.

    I've come to think of the porn industry as the modern equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah. Now, don't get me wrong, because I've sinned many times against this, and I want to take full responsibility the day I meet God, but I also think that for the sake of children everywhere, pornography should be made illegal.

    Until by some miracle the plugs are taken out of the porn industry, what if we were to use our imagination in a different way? What if instead of imagining us having sex with a porn actress, we would imagine ourselves being there, in Sodom, just before God decided to burn it to the ground? What choice would YOU make? It's only because of the Price Jesus paid that God hasn't decided to strike down these pornographers. But that doesn't mean we should abuse His Sacrifice and keep on sinning.

    Now, I'm not the most holy or devout Christian, but it's become pretty clear to me that God is testing each and everyone of us on a daily basis.

    It is only when you've hit rock bottom because of sin that you understand the consequences of living a life that goes against the Creator. Because at that point life isn't so comfortable anymore. It's as if each one of your emotions and your entire nervous system is fine tuned to only receive the negative signals, coming from the darker realms out there. Anxiety, depression, all of these negative life experiences, they are only just. We truly reep what we sow. This stuff, it interacts with our very being, our spirit, but also our dna.

    Therefore, brothers, next time the urge comes, be like Lot. Use your imagination the right way. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
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