The Grass Is Not Always Greener

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by plant goodness, May 23, 2017.

  1. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    On the other side. Don't wait for your reboot to be completed to start living now, I mean some of us think life will become super magical or we just turn into a successful and immensely happy person once like a certain amount of time is reached. While it may take a certain amount of time to get out of the darkness of rebooting, it happens one day at a time.

    If you wanna get technical it happens one moment at a time.

    Only now exists. Yes. The past does not exist but our present is definitely the result of past causes now ripening into effects. Water the grass you want to be green 'cause grass that isn't watered turns a dirty shit brown dead color.


    I'm saying the Law of Cause and Effect caters to no man, in the sense you get what you deserve in the most minute detail. You create your own reality. Create the right causes and your future will be bright green. Fapping is not the right cause to plant for a bright future. Masturbation is not watering your life for the better. Keep the fertilizer inside you.

  2. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    “The greener grass is getting more water. Water the grass on your side of the fence and stop looking over at what's on the other side”

    ― Terri D.
  3. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    Oh and animal products are the biggest cause of unwanted sexual desire.

    Don't worry though, vegan males have higher testosterone levels as proven by science.
  4. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    “I like it when a flower or a little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It's so fuckin' heroic.”
    ― George Carlin

    Something about being vegan just grants you more clarity and self-control. It's definitely physiological but also energetic in ways that cannot be proven by science. Not yet at least.


  5. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut


    This was not intended to be a vegan thread but it is now.

  6. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    An argument as to why a vegan oriented thread would be in this section is that being a vegan can grant one the best chances to complete a successful 'monk' mode reboot (damn I hate how you tarnish that word here but whateva). So ya, give it a try if you find it intimidating to go vegan4life.
  7. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    Sorry I know alot of real monks. Overcoming masturbation is quite trivial to them. But surely they have pity for anyone suffering with any problem in life. Or rather compassion.
  8. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    I like what a monk mode reboot is as described in your Rebooting Basics.

    But I'm from the old school mang. Where I'm from dey call it The No Arousal Method.

    Being a monk isn't something to pretend to do, especially if you may have a true addiction. At least I feel that way :oops:
  9. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    Let's start a monk highlight reel for a bit before I come up with where to go next with how one can improve a reboot with a plant-based diet,

    Not that monk I just don't want people to be stressed, my ego makes me stressed I have no other excuse, no let's start the reel with this guy:

  10. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Motivational ! :emoji_bow:
    Xience likes this.
  11. I used to be vegan but then decided to introduce meat back into my diet. Works good for me, plus I'm still vegan by proxy thanks to the animals I eat and their vegan diets.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  12. Xience

    Xience Guest

  13. Xience

    Xience Guest

    You're an imbecile is what you are. An imbecile who has no life apparently outside of using this forum.
  14. Xience

    Xience Guest

    I was in a terrible accident. Well I suppose people get in worse accidents and incur far greater injuries. But this was not pretty. Pretty or ugly, happy or sad, life is all just suffering in the end isn't it?
  15. Xience

    Xience Guest


    If your name ends in -ihood, please keep your thoughts elsewhere.

    Or be an asshole and post where your words are not wanted.

  16. Xience

    Xience Guest

    Let's start with the Smaller Vehicle before getting into the Larger shall we?

    The last place I would look for a cure to addiction is this forum. And yet I am here. A useful tool it is, a cure it is not.
  17. Xience

    Xience Guest

    I like how this thread started. I will continue sharing material from various monks I suppose as this forum is fond of borrowing the word to describe a type of 'reboot'. I imagine utilizing this thread can only aid my own progress as well.

    Contemplating the impermanence of things and the nature of emptiness in all conditioned phenomena in this world is quite useful to put one's mind at ease when enduring great pain and misfortune at times in life. Works for me anyways.

  18. Xience

    Xience Guest


    To have one's life shattered, perhaps temporarily, is the last place one may expect to find peace. Unless the shattering happened to shatter the grip of ego on one's heart too.

  19. Xience

    Xience Guest

  20. Xience

    Xience Guest

    Monks can teach us alot about life. Real monks don't put on the robe to escape the world. They put it on to transcend their own limitations and the best ones do it for the sake of all living beings.