The Dopamine Detox Challenge *(Science Based)*

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Bihari, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. Pablo Pasta

    Pablo Pasta Fapstronaut

    It might seem that people with a attention deficit disorder are more prone to get hooked on dopamine
  2. theforgotten1423

    theforgotten1423 Fapstronaut

    Another reset for me.

    This one is due to no.8.

    I have noticed another thing and that is , as soon as I slip, I start binging. Next time , I will first try not to do it at all, but even if I slip, I will keep in mind that I am only human and am still on the way , so it is normal to slip and I must not binge.

    Usually the thing that causes me to binge is the regret for slipping just a little. Next time, I will keep in mind firstly the regret that I feel after the slip and how it leads to a vicious cycle, so I am going to avoid slipping. But if I slip then I will keep in mind that binging is not the solution and will only increase my regret.

    I will keep in mind from now onwards, " It only makes me sad. I do not enjoy it temporarily even, I don't get the temporary pleasure. And after I am done I become extremely sad. So why am I doing this to myself? Why am I doing no.8? Or Why am I spending time on the internet? When this isn't even pleasing me right now, and is not even making me happy in the near future and even worse in the long term. Just stop already. Don't be a crazy person who hurts himself. There IS NO URGE. It would be there if you felt some pleasure. You are not feeling that either so don't say there is an urge. It's just your inner enemy telling you to hurt yourself. You are not going to listen to your enemy are you?"
  4. LuccaVelez

    LuccaVelez Fapstronaut

    Can we listen to music while working out?
    icebreaker p likes this.
  5. jakeFromStateFarm117

    jakeFromStateFarm117 Fapstronaut

    I'm in!

    Abstaining from Activities 0,3,4,7
    Disturbing news media is a great one to avoid. In my mind it is productive, but a lot of it is basically just drama that can provide escapism.
  6. trytocatchme

    trytocatchme Fapstronaut

    Starting from day 0. I plan to substitute:
    PMO/P-Subs/edging --> Journaling, Exercise, reading the articles in the main post
    Movies/ T.V. series. --> Reading

    Let's see what happens !
  7. trytocatchme

    trytocatchme Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I was unable to go to sleep early even if the alarm today rang at 7:00.
    I spent my day mainly studying between the university and home and I am very proud because I am starting to attend all the office hours, which only now I understand are a valuable moment to confront your professor. I was kind of blocked before in doing such an experience and so I am happy that I am opening up.
    This evening I also took an hour just for me in which I read a book that now I was not reading for about 2 weeks and was a very relaxing and enjoyable moment.
    Around 20 I also managed to go to the gym.
    Such a full day but i am happy because I didn't struggle at all with the "Beast".

    Lucid Star likes this.
  8. 19Rd

    19Rd Fapstronaut


  9. Wait does it have to be a complete dopamine detox or it could be by doing it little by little

    Like quitting streaming services then social media
    icebreaker p likes this.
  10. amx

    amx Fapstronaut

    I'll be starting this on the 31st. My plan is to essentially turn off my phone and computer and keep them off for days in a row. I have an iPod so I would just download a bunch of audiobooks to it and then turn off the internet. I want to spend my time focused on the things that really matter. Honestly, I don't even want to be tempted to use it just to visit this forum, so I would probably keep a physical journal during the week and then update my journal here on Sunday.
    icebreaker p likes this.
  12. icebreaker p

    icebreaker p Fapstronaut

    I'm in. Today is my first day.

    0. PMO/P-Subs/edging.YES
    1. Movies/ T.V. series. YES
    2. YouTube. for learning only
    3. All social media. only short important and meaningful messages
    4. Carby/ sugary foods. that too
    5. Video games. sure
    6. Music. most of the time
    7. Disturbing news media. YES
    8. sex chat with your gf. ...
    Percy_Jackson likes this.
  13. icebreaker p

    icebreaker p Fapstronaut

    Good so far. I didn't even listened to the news. And I checked my messages just once
    Didn't engage in any social media chatting

    1. I layed down and watched a documentary and listened to a podcast. It was relevant for my learning, but still it felt like cheating. Maybe what lacks is proper time management and clear decisions beforehand.

    2. From the podcast I went to listening to the News. It was a little bit too much. I think if I really would quit it completely, it would be better. Only in the morning I feel empty without it and it seems I'm lacking the waking-effect from it, however these are only symptoms of habituation / withdrawal.

    3. I chatted with a friend who texted me and it took some time. I'm tempted to say it's a good thing, but on the other hand my time is really precious at the moment. I would love to do such AFTER all the work is done. Again, it's a question of time management. And of priorisation.

    1. plan your time
    1a. sure, documentaries and podcasts for learning are allowed, but try to take notes or note a summary afterwards. You can also write this off as learning-time. ​

    2. No news - that's the best solution in regards to this challenge

    3. Today was a good start! But I'm in a phase of much working, learning and on top I have to do a lot (more) for my physical and mental health. I can tell friends and family that, but even then they will quickly forget it or don't expect me to go on like this. It's not their fault but it is my responsibilty to do what is good for me and what I need to do. They can reach me by call, even if my mobile internet connection is off.
    So try better. From tomorrow on, no chatting, just important communication that can't wait. The message "sorry I have to learn" can be seen as a piece of important communication that avoids misunderstandings and further texting.
    Percy_Jackson likes this.
  14. icebreaker p

    icebreaker p Fapstronaut

    Below my own list, that I want to stick to, for 30 days (or more)
    - I don't reset in this challenge. But I only count days without failure

    Fasting from:

    0. PMO/P-Subs/edging.
    1. Movies/ T.V. series.
    2. YouTube unless it's for learning (please don't exploit)
    3. All social media, except from short, important and meaningful messages
    4. Video games.
    5. Music. *
    6. All news media, unless I need specific info regarding to my own life and well-being.

    Rules for better perfomance:
    • don't take devices in your bed
    • tbc

    * With music I think there can be exceptions. I could discuss music here broadly, but I don't want to. Let's just say I think it can be nice to listen to well selected music at some point and without any negative consequences, rather with a postive effect. Well, in that case I'll just report it. Not everything needs to be cast in stone beforehand.

    I removed Carby/ sugary foods from the list, because I'm already in the 30 Days NoGluten/Sugar Challenge. So if I eat sweets I fail there, if I watch a movie I fail here.

    I think it's crucial to not only see the not do's and track them, but also the other side of alternative behaviors, and habit developing. So I'll talk about that too.

    I wish everybody a good healthy week and a lot of mindful insights!
    CU next time!
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2022
    Percy_Jackson likes this.
  15. icebreaker p

    icebreaker p Fapstronaut

    Bad relapse. I reset. But it's Thursday already. I should make a list or I need to check in every single day. At any rate a list can't hurt.

    Re-commitment in progress :emoji_recycle:
    Percy_Jackson likes this.