The dissolution of the United States/ of America

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Eric'sBlue, Oct 6, 2015.

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  1. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut

    I'm watching the slow and gradual disintegration of my country - no doubt many of you who are from different countries are seeing the same thing, where you are at. However, for various reasons, I think it is intensifying and it is happening more rapidly here.
    This society is being ripped/pulled apart for decades. In almost every way possible, in every way, shape and form - every fissure has been exploited, with no moral scruples for more than 50 years now. ... To put it simply and bluntly - civilization can't exist in this state. Corporations are milking us dry; in their unethical ruler/serf system that is so insidious throughout the American system now. Through politics, they have mandated corporatism into the very fabric of our life, we don't have a choice. It's been the subject of jokes "Climb that corporate ladder, son" for as long as I can remember. I think my father probably heard those same jokes, but - it wasn't as bad back then - *and there was more room to climb. The truth is that we have been taken over. ...This country is disintegrating faster than I can spin around to see what's happening.
    Corporatism is destructive to civilization/s, it's destructive to human relationships and society. It is destructive and toxic to nearly everything and everyone, except those reaping profits at the top of the corporate structure.

    You can see this corporate disgustingness rubbed off majorly in main society, in how we treat each other. Like pieces of dog shit. We look and stare and regard each other as non-human, as pieces to climb over. It's true, and it's anti-human and completely toxic/disgusting.

    Another part of this - is the political piece, and I'm convinced the two are working hand in hand, with the corporate piece trailing behind like dogs, to come in and feed off the American people while they decay - with the go ahead from their masters (the politicians and their masters) the large bankers (Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of England,) and ....probably most famously, the Rothschild Dynasty (out of England). I should also note that the Rothschilds funded over 70% of the "state" of Israel when it was carved out in 1948 illegally and, very brutally. Israel would not exist if not for the funding from this dynasty. All of the large international corporations (ie, Monsanto) any largescale military industrial corporations that are manufacturing (Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, etc.) - have indirect or direct ties to Rothschild or Rothschild subsidiaries. They (Rothschilds) also are directly associated with the mining operations on the African continent and all gold and diamonds in the world are ran through 3 main major distributors before they are processed out. All three of these have ties to the Rothschild Banking Dynasty. This Rothschild Dynastic family is Jewish (I mention this only in the context of presenting information and facts - facts that are hidden and purposely censored from the public). More particularly, they are Zionist - a secular Jewish movement that claims to be for the state of Jewry and Israel.

    These bankers, politicians, and huge multi-national corporations have come together and forged an unholy alliance of greed, power, and domination and they are doing it over the entire world. The USA is the most overran, overtaken. I think this is the testing/battle ground for everywhere else; that they are using the American people and the land as unwilling test subjects and guinea pigs, to see how this will work globally.

    The promulgation of corporate culture and establishment here, along with promulgation of the importation of political multiculturalism has done the job of decimating the very foundations of US. Politicians know this, that's why they enforce and actualize multiculturalism by importing hundreds upon thousands of different immigrants with different backgrounds into one place, breaking up the dominant cultural mores that we've had formed, mainly Christian, nuclear family oriented, community oriented living; leaving people befuddled, shocked and confused...ripe for manipulation and open for suggestion (in a suggestive vulnerable confused and open state); then instituting insane PC rules which forbid people to talk or express themselves, address problems, even have a say or opinion, or even feelings about the current situation. This further deconstructs the psyche, and immobilizes and tears down people's personal integrity - effectively making them 'bots' and programmable. The ability to make sense of, control, or handle a situation is lost as there is too much external stimulus which is un handle-able, except with the dictatorial mandates of PC - and so there are these rules instituted overhead (PC) which everyone follows like cattle. We have been deprogrammed, and are now programmed into totalitarian PC. You cannot have a society or civilization with such a rapid change, importing as many cultures with little or no commonality at once and so drastically. It will inevitably lead to break-up and disintegration of that country. It's a fascism; you accept or else. We are being taken over. Conquered.
    The political and the elite know all of these facts. They know their policies and insane PC agendas will break apart countries and cause division, chaos. That's what they want. The front of PC is to deceive the American public, prevent them from sorting or figuring things out, and to slowly shut down free speech; leaving us in a vulnerable, destroyed state open to any kinds of suggestion, extortion, keeping us from wholeness.
    On top of that, there are increasing targeted attacks toward white people and anyone of white ancestry, inverted psychology of "perpetrated racism" by innocent persons of white descent is being extremely escalated now by media/press and academia. There is even a show on MTV now called "White People" which claims to show how white people are racist without even knowing it. Things like "white privelege" have been invented to direct racism and hate at whites. It's all to topple the existing power structure. If that consisted of Mexicans, Italians or Asians, it would be the same things, the same inverted racism, directed at them.

    If you look closely at the communist manifesto - you will see the points there, only one of which is "Encourage spying on your neighbor". Haven't we seen this kind of behavior increasing all over everyplace? Isn't this common now?
    There are other points there, that I will not discuss, but they are there nonetheless.

    I can explain all this, I am just tired of typing. Our country is being taken over.
    We must do something.
    I don't know what we can or should do.
    I'm thinking that we need a military coup. That is the only foreseeable option I see down the road as working.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
    Immor, Indignation, Calm and 2 others like this.
  2. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Vent it out! Vent it all out my good sir!
    Calm and Foxtrot12 like this.
  3. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    The NSA is watching us, by the way. They know people are beginning to get angry.
    Calm likes this.
  4. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut


    The NSA can bite me.

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  5. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut

  6. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut

  7. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    Well, in any case, we'll make it through, whatever the case. It will be the time to stand up for what you actually believe and be counted. Consider it an honor.
    Calm likes this.
  8. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut


    Yuri Bezmenov Soviet KGB defector explains ideological subversion in the US, 31 yrs ago.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
    bloodeaglehohos likes this.
  9. Anti-faper

    Anti-faper Fapstronaut

    I might as well throw in my two cents about their also telling us that our children belong to them, you can say boy or girl because it is hurtful to someone who isn't a boy or girl for whole 9 yards. We as a country have taken God out of everything from schools to workplace and unless we turn back to him this country will crumble and fall just like the Israelites did back in the Bible, we are going into bondage right now just like them too. God is letting every evil imaginable run amok because we ourselves have forgotten his word.
    Eric'sBlue likes this.
  10. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut

  11. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut

    I'd say that we are purposely being misled; led astray. We are being poisoned to our very souls.

    My job, as I see it is to use every ounce of my intelligence to expose what's going on and these people.
    I will not stop, it is my duty as I see it.
    Immor likes this.
  12. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Relax brotha. Ya just need to get laid.
    NoBrainer likes this.
  13. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    "A life only about sex is a sad, hollow life indeed" - Anonymous
  14. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut


    Watch this guy talking about "Pyramids". Listen to the narrator ...this video is basically the centerpiece for what the nwo wants to and Is accomplishing.

    It is my belief that this guy is a psychopath.
  15. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    What do you mean? He is talking about achieving a higher ideal and even sharing with people who aren't there yet. That is possibly the most sane jew I looked at for some time.
    Of course they are taught from childhood to mistrust and lie to "the goy" and it doesn't match with their actions. So I have my reservations.
  16. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    Remember history. Greece and Rome. You can clearly witness the morph of thought philosophically, politically, and culturally from ascent to fall. Their manifestations come in different flavors, but it's the same general pattern. The society becomes affluent from the values that created it, the values are degraded, the society degrades at first slowly, then in bursts (like the tyrant emperors of Rome), and then all at once (the sack of Rome).
  17. DogDaysOfLife

    DogDaysOfLife Fapstronaut

    Wow, it sure is conspiratorial in here. I was with you for the first 4 paragraphs. As an anarchist, I'm certainly against the control which corporations and the government have. But, really, a "military coup"? The military is just as corrupt as the rest, and factions of the military can't be trusted to control the government. No one can be trusted to control the government, and as such it should be abolished. "PC" and the opposition to it is a red herring. The economic and hierarchical relations between people are the true driving forces of the current situation (same as every other society). I think the US probably won't dissolve in the near future, but if it does and is replaced by a functional anarchy, that's the ideal situation.
  18. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut

    You know, from this thing I just got that really 'Exceptionalist elitist" attitude. I mean that's how these people really see it; the rest of us are just .. it's like we're not even people - lesser people. Kabbalah is dangerous because these people think they are God. .. Very, very dangerous. This gives them the license to really do anything they want and claim God did it, because there is no difference. And I don't even think that they can tell the difference, because they are playing God. So what God wants is really what they want. And they are one in the same. That's why you can't play God, the ego inevitably gets confused with it - and you can't tell them apart. To think otherwise and deceive yourself is a fools game and is very arrogant. If you go back to the Garden of Eden metaphorical scenario, where Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, and then gave it to Adam - leading to the fall of mankind, these people ate of the Tree, and then said that there's nothing wrong with it. .."what's wrong with the serpent?"...they only claim that, Adam wasn't ready receive that knowledge.

    It basically comes down to playing God. It's man as God sort of thing and they can justify it in their own minds, because of the Old Testament. But ask any Orthodox Torah Jew and they will say that is a perversion of scripture; they are very against Kabbalah.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
  19. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut

    Honestly, the only reason I say that is -at this point the US Military High Command - USMHC, is the only one with the power and internal organization/infrastructure to challenge these people. Though Obama has done a great job of cleansing it of good leaders and high generals; and he now has "yes men" at top positions.

    I don't mean to fear monger but I see this as a really scary place pretty soon.
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  20. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    There is poison in our water.
    There is poison in our food.
    There is poison in our air.
    There is poison in our vaccines.
    There are harmful electro-magnetic waves.
    There is disruptive social engineering.

    As a result people don't procreate and get more and more sick and brain-damaged. Scary enough for me, damn it.

    I'm sure there are lots of good people in the military, just probably not at the top. Of course they are kept ignorant with the "need to know" principle and trained to act like machines.
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