the day after

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by tmule, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. tmule

    tmule Fapstronaut

    day one today
  2. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi! Just wishing you all the best. Have you been over to the main forums? Get stuck in and see what grabs your attention, there's lots to learn and I'm sure you have lots to contribute (even if you don't realise it yet;))so help and be helped just by making an honest contribution.

    I quit heavy drinking, cigarettes, and cannabis on the same day in 2008 after 25 years of use and abuse. I haven't touched any of them since and now I'm doing the same with PMO. Addiction is addiction and although it absolutely does help to understand the various scientific explanations we simply MUST make fundamental changes is the way we think and behave which in turn will change our behaviours and habits.

    And I don't mention any of the above to brag (25 years of use and abuse is nothing to brag about!) I say it to encourage and to offer hope.

    Just in case your interested I've put the three main resources I used to help change my thoughts/behaviours and therefore break that cycle (and whose principles I continue to use) in my signature below. I can't recommend them enough but this is your journey, these are only suggestions. You will get plenty of other equally valid advice as there's a very healthy balance of perspectives on this site and together we are making a meaningful, positive, lasting difference which I for one am thrilled to be part of.

    Stay strong and keep going ;)...
  3. Jason2

    Jason2 Guest

    Welcome to the group, tmule! Best hopes for beating your addiction. Stick around and talk with us, share, and gain strength from the sharing!