The chaser effect

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by fghr24, May 17, 2015.

  1. fghr24

    fghr24 Fapstronaut

    So I was talking to someone about my addiction, I told him that I recently lasted a very long time without fapping, but then after I did I wasn't able to last a very long time without fapping (maybe like 2 to 4 days) and they told me that I was experiencing the chaser effect. Can anyone tell me what the chaser effect is, and if it is bad?
  2. I know from friends who have been hard drug / alcohol addicts that for them there is no chaser effect, you are either on or you are off. You can get cleaned up, sober, start a job a new life for a decade, even longer. You dip your toe in the water you sink straight to the bottom (thieving raving stealing homeless) like you've never been out.

    It sounds like from a fap perspective it is simply binge mode... and I experience binge urges with both fapping and dieting.. with dieting it means eating sugary foods... if I fall into those I need to yank hard to not just slip into over-eating...

    I've never been on a streak this long... but after my last 30 day streak... I went through a period trying to get back on board... had 1 week streaks now and then... and then just ended up fapping like a teenager all over again for several months...

    I really do wonder about the fapping binge mode, how it relates to addiction.... for sure... you fall into a hot relationship... your body goes into a highly sexualized state... makes sense.... so:
    1. Does fapping trick our bodies into wanting to optimize chances of reproduction?
    2. Or: does a healthy person fap on occasion without falling into a cycle like this, I tend to think they are just maintaining their addiction in a more manageable way... but i have no experience here.
    3. Or Is it really the addictive part, not the sexual part, (in my case my emotional issues), that is causing the "gimme me more!" - "I am a puppy on acid!" - "binge to oblivion!" attitude?
    For one I am amazed at how calm the waters are after 50 days. I have days with some crazy urges... but the desperate cravings of the early days are gone... that hunger that would only be stilled by (sexual) exhaustion... is mostly gone... I feel so much freer
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2015
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