The Anatomy of Abstience

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by ShowProof, Aug 15, 2020.

  1. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

  2. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    If you do the math, and assume one should not donate blood any more often than a pint every 12 weeks, 80 drops required per drop of semen translates to about ten weeks required between ejaculations.
  3. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    43 7.3K drops in a pint.
    About 10 pints in an adult. Can loose 10-15% without symptoms. At about 50% lost; death.
    7.3k drops divided by 80 = 91.2 drops of semen. Hmmm....

    IDK I don't bother with this drop thingy because 1) no one measures drops : )) 2) you absorb differently into chyle and blood from food depending on the food you eat and ability to digest...sometimes you vomit/etc. As well as similar ability to absorbs from chyle and blood further into the cycle depending on your lifestyle - EXERCISE!

    You can go 60-90 and then go on a wankatron and have relatively little semen build up. But if you work out on a 60-90 then release it all, it will be WAY STRONGER quality, visually, in feeling, in substance, as well as quantity.

    So this whole drops is silly. Like measuring the exact numbers of hairs or cells in the body. It's ridiculous. BUILD, BUILD, BUILD that's how heroes are made! :)
    Captain! likes this.
  4. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut


    Researcher discovers blood vessel system in bones

    "Lead researcher Prof. Gunzer adds: 'The previous concepts only described a few single arterial canals and two venous canals in bones. This is completely inaccurate and does not reflect the actual situation at all. It is quite surprising that we can still find new anatomic structures in the 21st century that are not found in any textbooks.' The discovery was possible due to a unique combination of modern imaging methods explains Prof. Gunzer: 'Many of these methods were used for the very first time by us such as so-called light-sheet fluorescence microscopy and ultra high-resolution 7 tesla (T) magnetic resonance imaging and x-ray microscopy in collaboration with the ERC Synergy Grant 4D-nanoSCOPE team under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Silke Christiansen and Prof. Dr. Georg Schett'."

    Study reveals why immunity boost from seasonal flu vaccines is not long lasting
    ( )
    What this shows is that just getting to the bone marrow is not enough. A plasma cell has to find a niche within the bone marrow and establish itself there, and undergo gene expression and metabolism changes that promote longevity."

    Rafi Ahmed, PhD, Director and Corresponding Author, Emory Vaccine Center"

    These news are about 3 years old now. It's interesting because it shows 1) modern science is always discovering new things and no things are so simple children or teenagers can understand at the simplistic level they are currently taught in public schools 2) vital layers or 'tissues' of the body like blood aren't separated but amalgamated throughout the whole body.

    The body LITERALLY is made out of food. Food enters the body by making a salad out of it - in your mouth - chewing it. Similarly it is digested and distributed to all the cells of the body.

    I don't have any scientific research for this, and search engines are horrendous when it comes to this, But, if the body lacks sufficient resources to make cells it will make them anyway with less resources....yes it makes less quality or even what you may call "bad cells" if there are no resources.

    SO if you live a live in extreme poverty - or not, but you beat your meat until you win the lottery, it's okay you will still live but it is no wonder you lack energy, judgement, etc etc Most tasks the average person nowadays deals with in their daily life requires 2 digit IQ :D so no stress there, a self made retard won't get the chance to show his/her hardness everyday.

    Point is; complete abstinence long term, combined with proper living, can really make something out of you. Even bones, after a couple years will be found to be microscopically in better condition than the average Joe or Karen.

    The body is made OUT of food. Food is digested not absorbed like a sponge. The body grows by refining itself.
    Captain! and WarriorofLight like this.
  5. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Let's not forget that the drop extremely addictive.
  6. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    I didn't quite get that. The sex act, in whatever form is extremely addictive once done? - yes.

    It's quite curious. The longer you stay in abstinence the more it leaves you alone, mentally, emotionally, etc. I imagine after a few years once your health system has been refilled from the inside or at least libido and neuro-spinal fluid has been filled properly so it is not a drain on the body and it's resources anymore. .... then, when you release again it won't be as addictive as is for most. But again this takes years not months.

    I wonder why that is....

    To me, this phenomena shows ejaculation has a HUGE and DEEP impact on the body. I mean bloody hell what other emotions makes your muscles tremble and shake involuntarily like CRAZY like your pelvic floor does during ejaculation with orgasm? Nothing really. At most extreme fear makes your spine shake for a second.

    But people and modern $¢¥€₦₡€ want to tell you: it's a valueless substance that is easily made within a couple days.
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  7. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    Do you normally highlight and underline and take a picture and post things that you think are silly? I am a bit confused.

    I think we agree overall, that ejaculation has a deleterious effect on the body.
    thinking_differently likes this.
  8. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Yes exactly.
    Modern Medicine doesn’t yet understand the Mechanism in its entirety.
    Ancient Medicine doesn’t describe the mechanism completely, maybe they didn’t know, maybe that knowledge got destroyed or was purposely hidden. ;)
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  9. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    I'm more thinking, if you are super healthy and ejaculate, maybe to procreate, every 5 to 10 years or something, it is not unhealthy , you know...

    Watching porn has a draining effect on you immensely that is NOT placebo.
    Knowing your posting history a little, you probably agree and are well acquainted with the above statements idea :)

    My past experience has proven if you exercise, even just doing things like isometrics at home (tensing your muscles HARD and building or using that mind muscle connection), will increase semen count/available by a lot. I used to have low libido. So I would release hella little stuff, then go for multiple ejaculations in a short time, I would run out of anything to release pretty quickly.

    Needless to say, having low libido, the neuro-spinal fluid is lessened and health is weakened. I even had some kind of low back pain, in one exact spot, for a long time => after exercising for a couple days and taking strong supplements like cacao, peanut butter, etc not only was my libido increased considerably in 1-2 weeks than if I were to not exercise and take those foods, but my back pain was greatly reduced, almost like I had lubricant in that specific location with the back pain.

    So I'm really starting to think, simple sexual abstinence...fine, it's good practice but it doesn't do much.......really it doesnt do no anything!! it's just abstinence. Now that you stop taxing the body, you need to start actual health activities and not rely on it miraculously, especially if you sit or lay down over 5-8 hours of your waking hours.
  10. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    Personally I do martial arts and eastern arts in general. I seek power. I believe a lot is impossible.

    There are many kids/teenagers and adults all over the world doing extraordinary things like being a human calculator!or being able to kick full force a football gate know the metal gate you have to kick....without any problems, etc, etc.

    These people are just born like that. Abstinence combined with serious training of the whole body and system may help achieve towards things like that. They help build you.

    Just physical celibacy alone is quite weak and useless IMO. Plenty of people who play video-games all day and do 90 days but still report anxiety or lack of "superpowers" whereas if they worked out spartan, hot/cold alternating showers, etc etc they would have superpowers from day 7 lasting to day 1000....

    also mental sexual fantasy or porn alone can make you ejaculate without touching yourself or plague you with endless wet dreams or uncontrollable dreams where you are trying to resist sexual acts but cannot control yourself and wake up in a rush of adrenaline - a shitty nightmare basically
    IF NOT it will drain the fuck out of you.

    To me this drain is not an illusion, it's real as such it has a physiological effect on the bodymind.

    Who is great? a body or a mind? A mind, right. A mindless body is called a corpse not a body. As such for greatness you must master and cultivate the mind not the body only, which isn't really made strong through lazy abstinence alone.
    Captain! and Davidphd1866 like this.
  11. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Any blood donation is a sacrifice and a burden, lowers our immune system through the loss of white blood cells. I refuse to donate blood or get blood testing. If I refuse to do this it’s only logical that I should refuse to donate my semen as well, unless of course to make a child.
  12. [​IMG]

    It can be helpful to read this book.
  13. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    I am glad to know that I am not the only one who chooses not to donate blood for those reasons. If it were to save a family member's life, sure, but just to add to a thanks. I LOVE the semen analogy. If you don't give blood, don't "give" semen. Well said FalsePromise.
  14. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    since we're on the topic, I've heard of multiple instances of a type of mafia in the blood industry, huge money involved, also the plasma industry is growing, there's even like scams and MLMs (multi level marketing) type organizations for this stuff.

    Society is spreading a lot of propaganda to us nowadays. Donate your blood, work as volunteer or internship for like a year at a time!!, work for charity with a board of many many CEOs and bosses that get paid 100K+ a year while they have many many people volunteering to work for free, stop printing because you're the one causing global warming even thought the government uses hella ton of paper on a daily basis, we have hundreds of billionaires but the biggest and richest land on earth is the poorest etc etc

    DON'T follow the norm, normal or crowds.