The 10th day curse

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by GangstalkerBehindYourHouse, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. GangstalkerBehindYourHouse

    GangstalkerBehindYourHouse New Fapstronaut

    I have experienced the curse of beginning a good streak, no major urges for the vast majority of the beginning and then it becomes super hard near day 10 and I always fail. Only once have I made it past that date after the curse began, that being a 20 day streak. It seems to me that at around 9th-10th day, I drop my guard and then don't notice that my subconscious wants to search out porn. It makes me go to places where porn could be found, but are not outright porn sites, for example Reddit. Does this phenomenon have an explanation? If it does, then I sure hope that there is a cure.
    Buddhism Is True likes this.
  2. Could be a mental block. Turn your thinking into “it is easy to get past 10 days”
    Buddhism Is True likes this.
  3. I went through a phase like this. I called the urges "flair ups". Felt like getting hijacked because on some level I knew what I was going to do hour before I did it. I either didn't want to stop myself or I couldn't. Watch for all the precursors and try to dismantle them before they take hold. Often seeing them coming ahead of time is enough to step out of the way.

    There is a path between denial and indulgence.

    It's not the length of your streak that matters, it's what you do when you feel the urge to break it.
  4. One thing that really helped me out was to stop counting the number of days. For me the number of days is not important but to me it's more important that every day i do not watch porn.
  5. OttarrTheVendelCrow

    OttarrTheVendelCrow Fapstronaut

    I think that this is common. For me getting past the first 20 days is the hardest part. Especially the first 10. During the first 10 / 20 you need to be super diligent. It determines how the rest of your reset will go. You must not - edge, fantasize, touch your dick, lay in bed. Stay super busy and don't allow yourself downtime to slip into boredom and PMO. Set an alarm and get out of bed right away.

    Once I get past 20 days I can go forever. I usually flatline and find it easy to maintain as long as I do the above. I've done a 45-day hard mode reset and a 210-day hard mode reset. Believe it or not, the 210-day hard mode reset was easier than the 45-day. Both times I broke my streak because I let my guard down. I wondered what it would be like to O after that long and began fantasizing etc. Otherwise, I genuinely could have gone forever. Day 200 is a cakewalk compared to day 9.

    You have to push yourself. Commit to being a monk in the first 30 days and you will make it a long time. Get excited about it. Also, YOU MUST SUBSTITUTE THE BEHAVIOUR. This is so important it's hard to exaggerate. As soon as you feel something coming on like an urge or a thought do something else. I find it's best to do the same thing every time. This is why everyone fails because most don't do this. It takes real effort.

    It's like what @Buddhism Is True said - most know what's going to happen before it happens. As soon as you feel that first inkling a giant red warning light with a siren saying "pull up, pull up, pull up" telling you to redirect your flight path should be going off. If you get your mind busy doing something else, instead of masturbating an hour later (hitting the ground), you will have a new flight path and continue your journey.

    I would recommend posting on this site anytime you feel an urge. If I feel an urge I come on here right away and find someone who has an interesting post or question and respond to it. By the time I am done writing I forget my urge. Helping others releases endorphins in a healthy manner. This will help to rewire your brain even faster! That's exactly what I am doing now! Good luck to you brother. Happy to be penpals if you think that would help.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2021
  6. GangstalkerBehindYourHouse

    GangstalkerBehindYourHouse New Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for the advice. Surprisingly, I have not tried doing some activity every time I get an urge. This time I will definitely be doing it. If I do make it past 30, then my gratefulness for sharing this will know no bounds. But for now, I shall test if this really is the method I need.
  7. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    man, this is some of the best advice I’ve read on here today.
    OttarrTheVendelCrow likes this.
  8. Sylveon389

    Sylveon389 Fapstronaut

    MY mental goes so bad for me on day 1,2, and 3 because there's a lot of anger falling into sexual sin.