Thank You

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Yesterday marked my two year milestone of abstinence from the sin of PMO. Please Dear Lord accept my thanks for your merciful intervention in my life. Shortly, after I came to this sight, Mr. Eko, reached out to me from the Catholic forum and shared a very wise and practical plan that helped me greatly. I owe him so much! (if you are interested, search for "My Catholic Method" by Mr. Eko). I also wish to thank Tao Jones of the Christian forum, he has walked this road and his wisdom has been extremely helpful. I have been graced with the friendship of so many others since joining these groups. I thank you one and all; contributing here and being inspired by other contributors has been one of the key components of my journey. Thanks everyone for your inspiration and your prayers. I include everyone struggling for freedom from this sin in my prayers. May God Bless you each and every one.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  2. 730 congrats to you, my friend! Your faithfulness and consistency is an inspiration. Your help in managing this group and your ongoing encouragement to myself and others is more than I could have ever asked for. It is good to have steadfast traveling companions along the way, and you are a stalwart among them!

    Onward and upward. The good life of the Kingdom is just getting started!
    CPilot, Roady and XandeXIV like this.
  3. value

    value Fapstronaut

    Wow, @CPilot. Congrats!

    On a personal note, the more I become part of this community and get to know you, the more I'm inspired by your steadfastness and your high conviction. It's an honor to getting to know you more and more!

    Thank you for all you do in this community and for yielding your heart to be continually washed by His grace.

    Towards full restoration!
    Roady and Tao Jones like this.
  4. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    Wow, @CPilot, our anniversaries really are close together! But anyway... massive congratulations to you and glory to God! Your input in my journal has been a huge inspiration and a great help in my own walk.

    I pray that you will be blessed with many more years of freedom, and that God will lead you to become even more like Christ each day!
    Roady, Tao Jones and value like this.
  5. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Thank you everyone! It is said that teachers tend to teach the subjects that they themselves most need to learn. Certainly it is true with me. If I write something helpful here, it causes me to examine my conscience to make sure I am living up to what I write. LOL, this may explain why I write so much. The Dear Lord has brought me a long ways and I have a long ways to go to realize a truly clean heart. Ever forward, my friends! Thank you.
    Tao Jones, value and XandeXIV like this.
  6. This is how it is for me, too. The greatest learning always occurs within the teacher himself.
    value likes this.