Surging after triggered by neighbours - help!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Transient, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Transient

    Transient Fapstronaut

    I have hit a complete surge and I don't know how to handle it.

    I don't have urges to watch P, but I do have substantial urges to MO. The best way I can describe it is that I feel hot all over, completely unable to concentrate, and I have this dull throb in my balls.

    I don't know what to do.

    This time it was triggered by my neighbour. Not for the first time either. Long story short, my flat has very thin walls, and as there is very little that I can do about the layout of it, I have heard my neighbours having sex. Many times. It would be alright if I knew they weren't that great-looking or the sex wasn't very good, but the problem is, they *are* and, from all the noises I hear, it *is*. They're a young couple and I knew they were both good-looking when I previously caught glances of them through the window walking up their staircase to their apartment, but I had never seen them properly. Today I bumped into the woman on the way in and she is incredibly hot. My brain's stupid reflex was to think "jesus, I have heard her O with her boyfriend". I was already surging like a raging bull for the last few days and seeing what she properly looks like for the first time has just been like waving a red flag in front of me (to carry on the bull metaphor). Part of me desperately wants to go and MO to relieve the tension that I've built up and that has been triggered by seeing her. But at the same time I know that fantasising and having an O will set back my recovery time. I've already edged two or three times since beginning my challenge but I want to press on through as long as I haven't looked at P or P substitutes or O'd on my own - but maybe I should be resetting my counter if edging is bad for me.

    The problem is that hearing them having sex is almost worse for me than P. It does bad things for my self-esteem. Since living in this apartment I have not held down a relationship for longer than 2 months due to my ED and although I experienced a satisfying level of sexual intimacy once (a couple of years ago, before I got dumped), I have never had sex quite as satisfying and intense as the sex my neighbours are having sounds. Hearing the sound of a happy couple engaging in the kind of intimacy that I want in a relationship depresses me as it drives me to MO and makes me feel totally inadequate and frustrated, as it feels like I'm being taunted by being exposed to something I want but don't have, and as I don't have a girlfriend right now who can help me with the urges. Working on those ED-caused feelings of inadequacy and the frustration of not being in a satisfying relationship are the main reasons why I'm doing NoFap. The problematic difference between hearing them and P is that not watching P is something that is completely under my control, whereas not hearing them have sex or at least laughing and fooling around before sex (which has become in itself a pavlovian kind of trigger... sigh) is not something I have complete control of, short of moving to a new apartment which in my city is not very easy.

    Help please! Has anyone else experienced triggers like this?

    (Luckily this evening the woman's child is staying with them which means that there won't be any triggering noises, I just have to get through the evening without MO'ing to my own imagination - it's only when the kid is away with his other parent that I have to worry about being triggered).
  2. db_dan

    db_dan Fapstronaut

    Dang that has to be really frustrating. Have you considered speaking to them, or investing in some earmuffs or noise canceling headphones?
  3. Transient

    Transient Fapstronaut

    Pretty difficult knowing what to say if I speak to them. They now know not to make too much noise in the middle of the night on weekdays as I asked the caretaker of the building to tactfully tell them that that was stopping me from getting sleep on worknights. But it doesn't stop them doing it earlier in the evening or on weekend nights or mornings. And I do sleep with earplugs, but I can't exactly wear noise cancelling headphones every time I'm in my room.

    I desperately want the flatline to kick in as this surge is driving me crazy and I'm now 16 days in. But if I'm triggered like this, will the flatline ever hit?
  4. Diesel74

    Diesel74 Fapstronaut

    Go for a run (just dont get couch locked!), take a cold shower, eat as much fat and protein has you can handle. Distract yourself.

    Dont give in!
  5. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    Try meditating when they go at it. Or, like Diesel said, just go out for a run if practical.