Success, 35 pound weight loss and counting

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by IstillFap900, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. IstillFap900

    IstillFap900 New Fapstronaut

    Hi all, I have observed forms of NoFap for the past few years now going on and off of NoFap.

    Before beginning this current NoFap phase, I was masturbating and masturbating to porn every day, usually multiple times a day. I was gaining weight even though I worked out and I did not feel like my usual self. My goal was to lose weight so I began nofap.

    Before beginning nofap this time around, i made a commitment that even if I was going to masturbate, I would not do it to porn.

    At approximately the beginning of September, I began my journey. In under 4 months, I have almost lost 40 pounds. When I first began NoFap was when I noticed rapid weight loss. I used to work out and not lose weight and all of a sudden fat was flying off of me. Instead of never being able to masturbate, I allowed myself to do it once or twice a week. Still, I was always unbearably horny and craving some sort of drugs (alcolhol, marijuana) to fulfill my urge to fap.

    Shortly after, I went back to fapping every day which I still do. The only difference is that I don't use porn. I was worried since I started fapping every day again that my weight would increase. I was wrong. My weight has decreased and has stayed down. The only thing that I am doing differently is not watching porn.

    This is to inform you all nofappers who are doing it for weight loss that porn is your real enemy, not masturbation.

    Since I began fapping every day to my imagination and not porn; also since I have been working out more often, I have noticed other positive changes in my life as well.

    These include
    1) better ability to deal with stress and not get angry
    2) feel very unselfish; always in a giving mood
    3) less angry

    This is not to say that all of my problems are solved since quitting porn. I stil have problems, however I feel more equipped to deal with them. I hope this new way of life continues to work out.
  2. Best of luck to you. That's an improvement for sure! Keep it up!
  3. AliWantsOut

    AliWantsOut Fapstronaut

    Do whatever works for you but have your ever heard of Semen Retention? It could (and probably would) give you that extra edge. Honestly I think Masturbating is completely useless and I always end up going back to porn (They go hand in hand, IMO) And you have the Advantage of Sexual Transmutation when retaining semen.
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  4. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I find Semen Retention in itself is quite powerful. Now, it only was later I discovered NoFap and Semen Retention, while closely related, are also different in some respects. I went over a month years ago with no ejaculating but would look at P subs and get aroused. Edging if you will. I got energy from the retention but did not get the extra "push" that not looking at P would probably have provided. (Talking to more women, taking more risks, etc.)

    Interesting, never tried it the other way. I always found masturbation to drain me..but I was doing it to high speed erotica. However, at this stage of the game, I am in "hard mode", I just find it best until I get out of the wilderness.
    AliWantsOut likes this.
  5. Sir Cranksalot

    Sir Cranksalot Fapstronaut

    I doubt semen retention has any biological basis in fact, though certain Eastern schools of mysticism are big on it. Psychologically, though, I can see how getting back into balance does a lot of good.

    Anyway, good deal with the soon to be 40 pounds lost! That's kind of what I want to do. I'd lost some ground over the last month from the junk food, so it's time to reverse course.
    nofap9999 likes this.
  6. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    40 pounds is awesome, apologies for not acknowledging that earlier. As for semen retention, I noticed benefits but will say it is even more powerful with NoFap. (Not looking at P or subs.) Some camps (from early Mike Tyson to Miles Davis) swear by it. But it depends on one's one physiology I guess.
  7. nofap9999

    nofap9999 New Fapstronaut

    I wasn't saying there aren't benefits to semen retention and not msaturburbating. At first, I was doing NoFap or only fapping once or twice a week. And I understand the benefits of that gives people an extra edge. Personally, I wasn't looking for that edge. I was going for weight loss and I found porn, at least for my biological makeup is a key factor in weight gain, not necessarily masturbation. However, I aknowledge the benefits to noFap as well, and would not rule out doing a streak in the future, but hopefully I never revert back to porn.

    Thanks guys for your comments.
  8. nofap9999

    nofap9999 New Fapstronaut

    You have to have some will power to not look at porn.
  9. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    I also went through the combination of nofap and weight loss - there are a surprising amount of parallels between them. Simply put, abstaining from PMO and adopting a healthier eating style makes you feel better and improves virtually every aspect of everyday life. No doubt nofap and weight loss are a strong combination I have witnessed the benefits of both first hand. They build off each other, and in my opinion are crucial to being content with life and becoming the person you want to be.
    AliWantsOut likes this.