Study Shows Porn Addiction is Similar to Drug Addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by pickleweed, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. pickleweed

    pickleweed New Fapstronaut

    Drug addicts crave drugs more in spite of getting less and less pleasure from them. Two researchers found similar results using brain imaging studies on pornography. 64 German men were asked how much porn they watched on average each week and there neural activity was also measured while they viewed pornographic images. The men who watched the most pornography each week actually exhibited the least neural activity in the reward circuit. Consistent with the idea that they developed a tolerance to sexually provocative images and a numbed reward response
  2. Winters

    Winters New Fapstronaut

    That's right. Honestly, an addiction to absolutely anything will cause the same effects - our brains naturally get tired of the same thing, but since porn has so many varieties and diverse types, the addiction only gets deeper and more complex, and it becomes an unwinnable chase.
  3. Tarfk

    Tarfk Fapstronaut

    I have no doubts at all that porn is an addiction.
  4. ShyIIock

    ShyIIock Fapstronaut

    The worst thing is that noone cares. Porn is for free, every kid can findout any sexual clip in a second - and noone gives a fu*k. I have heard so many times in media, that its okay to release pressure by watching P.
    Everyone knows that heroin is bad and has disastrous impact but noone is talking about P addiction, while its destroying lives and relationships. Hopefully society and government will wake up soon.
  5. agree with you 1000%. society leads you to believe that porn/masturbation is normal and that every healthy person does it. they're totally right in that aspect, but when a lot of people become truly addicted they treat its like a joke. nobody in mainstream society/media acknowledges that PMO addiction can become serious and even take over somebody's life. just like drugs
    ShyIIock and chiyu like this.
  6. Tarfk

    Tarfk Fapstronaut

    I hate when psychologists say: it's okay to masturbate cause you are discovering your body..." What a dumb thing to say. I'm 22 years old, do you think I need to discover something else in my body? Lol.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Nighthawk72

    Nighthawk72 Fapstronaut

    I'm not surprised. But the fact that porn is more addicting than heroin, should cause concern.
  8. Wayne Kest

    Wayne Kest Fapstronaut

    Porn is the new drug lol
  9. pavx92

    pavx92 Fapstronaut

    Makes total sense. I would say for most of us it's a dopamine rather than a seratonin thing meaning it's the expectation of a huge reward rather than the reward itself that keeps us hooked.
    chiyu likes this.
  10. HugoBoss

    HugoBoss Fapstronaut

    How can you compare heavy drugs like heroin, cocaine and mdma to porn and masturbation?
    I've never heard about anyone who lost his life due to watching porn or masturbating too much
  11. I don’t know what’s worse losing your life or living your life lost for many years as a zombie under the spell of pmo. I will not shy away personally and say that my symptoms from PMO have been crippling at points.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. This is really interesting to me. I remember when i was younger, it was the other way around, but as my addiction escalated, and I got more and more numb, things changed. I think you're right, it became more about expectations, that thrill of going down that escapist road again itself that kept me hooked, because often the final payoff was barely pleasurable anymore and usually followed by regret and other negative emotions.
  13. @pickleweed Do you have a link to where you found the study? I wouldn't mind reading it.