Struggling with MO while sleeping

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by RedBeard28, Feb 19, 2019.

  1. RedBeard28

    RedBeard28 New Fapstronaut

    I'm thankful that I cut porn out of my life around 8 years ago, but I'm still struggling against MO in the middle of the night. I want to stop because I'm morally opposed to this sort of fantasy and compulsive behavior. My trouble is that I wake up with a giant erection in the middle of the night that usually ends up in MO. My best strategy has been to get out of bed for a while until the urge goes away and then try to go back to sleep, but usually I don't have the will power to do this while tired in the middle of the night. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this sort of struggle, so I'm curious to see if anyone has some successful strategies.
  2. Me too. I'll fantasize at night and get massive boners. Then I'll MO. My solution has been to do exactly what you suggest. Get out of bed. Say you get an urge tonight, and you find the willpower to get out of bed. Then the next time you get the urge, it will be easier to fight it (by getting out of bed or by ignoring said urge). However, if you give in to the urge, you make it more likely that you will give in next time it comes.
  3. Steffo Shambo

    Steffo Shambo Fapstronaut

    I'm having similar issues. I have tried a lot of different strategies... some things that moderately worked where:
    - doing more exercises and yoga during the day.
    - meditation before bed.
    -Avoiding big dinner and junk food.

    But none of those things completely solved it.

    Finally, I resorted to taping my fingers with masking tape before going to sleep. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that was the only thing that actually worked, and I was able to abstain for 90 days.

    But now I'm back to square one again.

    I feel it's has something to do with deep unrooted emotions and desires in the shadow that also plays into this.

    So now I'm trying to look into it on a psychological level as well.

    Good luck gentlemen!