Stress is so so dangerous

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Reco1990, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. Reco1990

    Reco1990 Fapstronaut

    Stress will pull you to PMO if you dont control it , You should control it because it is the strongest trigger in this addiction.

    Best Wishes
    Luz, Novarecon, DBug and 3 others like this.
  2. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Try depression. That ain't a catwalk either. And even worse, you can't control that.
    a3a, DBug and SnowWhite like this.
  3. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Right about stress, but if you try to "control", you increase stress and you will always lose.

    The way goes to build up your inner trust and confidence. Then, you don't need to "control" anything. Your life and your decisions just go easily and flowingly then.
  4. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Depression means that you don't live like you want. That you don't accept yourself. That you live life up to expectations of others, not yours.

    The way out of depression goes by accepting yourself and taking responsibility for yourself. By finding your own goals and following them.
  5. KLTNS

    KLTNS Fapstronaut

  6. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    a) If the tempation is very high, then go away from your digital devices right now and go out. Do some sports, meet people. Everything is better than to wasting your time with wanking.

    b) Focus on doing. Switch from a "consuming" life style to an active one. Become active, start actively doing things and approaching people.
    Luz and vibemaker like this.
  7. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Uhh... I didn't mean the "I lost my job and now I am depressed" kind of depression. I meant chronic depression. The kind of depression that appears for no reason.
    Audere est Facere likes this.
  8. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    I know. I had chronic bipolar depression for about 30 years. Euphoria and suicide thoughts almost every day.

    But it has a reason and there is also a solution. Deep inside it has to do with the fact that you don't accept yourself.

    Once you begin to accept yourself, take responsibility for yourself and live your life, then you get on the right path, and it gradually fades away.
  9. Duncan46

    Duncan46 Guest

    Hi @Everything999,

    if you suffer from chronic depression, are you able to see a doctor about that? Medical science has pretty much worked out that depression is a physical issue. Your brain chemicals might be out of whack because your body is calibrated differently than most people. There are tons of meds nowadays that help to regulate depression.

    For ages, society has told us to just "snap out of it", but thank god we now live in an enlightened age where a depression is considered as pretty much the same as a broken arm: a physiological issue with a clearly defined cure.

    Anyway, hope you're feeling better. Cheers!

    Awakeatlast likes this.
  10. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    physical, yes, but before you take meds, try the self-balancing ways which nature has given us. there is many scientific evidence on how to balance the dopamine levels in natural ways.
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  11. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Thanks @SnowWhite and @Duncan46. Yes I am already taking meds for that and it helps a lot. I don't know the reason some people have chronic depression. I do know it is not because I have some trauma in my youth or that I don't accept myself. I am perfectly normal compared to my friends besides these depressive episodes.
    Duncan46 likes this.
  12. Duncan46

    Duncan46 Guest

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.

    I went through most of my puberty with my skin rapidly flaking off. My arms were bright red and often bleeding from all the scratching. People told me a lot of bs about how I was angry inside or eating the wrong food. And it's true, anger and sugar made it worse. But do you know what the root cause is? When my father and mother decided to have a baby, their DNA combined in a very specific way, and I ended up with the wrong base pairs in a few essential locations.

    Chronic depression is exactly the same thing. You probably got a few mutations in your DNA in places that regulate your brain chemistry. Nothing you can do about it, it's not related to willpower in any way, you just need meds to shift your brain chemistry to the normal range. Just like I need meds to have my skin look normal.

    It's nice to believe that willpower can overcome anything, and I spent many nights trying to control my skin and to stop myself from feeling the itching. But it doesn't work that way. Some things in life cannot be stopped by willpower, and that's why we have medical science.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.
  13. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your kind words Duncan46. Sorry to hear about your skin. That must suck. And quite scary when you were younger. Thank god we live in a time where modern medicine are available.
    Duncan46 likes this.
  14. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    @Everything999 : i've been having depression for years too. feeling low all the time and couldn't function. It's so difficult to do things even simple things like washing dishes or cleaning the house. I'm taking meds too.
    One thing i notice about healthy people and me is healthy people have really focused mind while i have wandering mind. I can't see why how people enjoy doing the same things over and over again everyday while i can't. They work from early morning to late afternoon and still not being exhausted, but i can't.
    I wish i had " i do because i do" thinking. My mind just keeps wandering seeking the reason why i do, and i never i can find it. It makes me exhausted and restless
  15. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut


    When you are sure you had a childhood in a loveful environment without trauma, then it might really just be a hormone issue.
  16. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Why do you want to be someone else?

    Take your abilities and make the best out of it !

    Other than the steady 9-to-5 workers, you have for sure high creativitity & fantasy, and you could make a lot out of it.

    I am exactly like yourself, the same type of wandering mind.
    Just keep yourself balanced, don't take drugs and alcohol, because that makes you more unstable.
    vulture175 likes this.
  17. Novarecon

    Novarecon Fapstronaut

    Im no depression expert, maybe this was your issue but you cant say thats his issue also. Its good to give your experience but try not to project your experience onto others. Everyone is different, apparently some people deal with chemical imbalances in the brain that play a role in depression as well. But with that said i'm a strong advocate of self empowerment and looking at whatever you can do to help your situation and not just accepting victimhood.
    SnowWhite likes this.
  18. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    In the last sentence, you are just copying me ;)

    Of course, everyboy is different!

    But also for me, I found the depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, but this imbalance has not only physical causes, it also has psychic causes, because our brain is producing chemical substances, depending on the sensory input.

    The imbalance can be stabilized when you are empowering your inner strength. Like you said: When you stop being the "victim" or looking for someone to help you. When you start to take responsibility for your own and take decisions and steps. Then you feel that a process is starting and depression is gradually going away.
  19. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

  20. Novarecon

    Novarecon Fapstronaut

    Haha yea i see what youre saying and i respect that. What i mean is people do need professional help. Youre not qualified at all to treat the guy or tell him what his problem is and neither am i lol. You cant just hypnotize yourself into being happy and then it goes away. Sometimes drugs really are necessary ALONG with positive lifestyle changes, attitudes, trauma resolution. What i was saying before is that some people will complain about their depression and be complete victims but then continue doing actions and behaviors that are making their condition worse, things that they can control, but they dont do out of Laziness or whatever the excuse is.