Staying Motivated

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by nabro5857, Oct 29, 2019.

  1. nabro5857

    nabro5857 Fapstronaut

    I'm at 530 days clean! As great tremendous an accomplishment as this is for me, it's not without it's difficulty. Currently I'm going through a difficult period at my job where there is a lot of uncertainty. Times of great stress and anxiety where when I would turn to pornography. Thankfully I've resisted, but the fear of relapse still sits with me. I don't want to be complacent but i don't want to catastrophise. What are some tips or suggestions to keep me motivated to stay on the clean path I'm on? Thanks guys!
  2. You_ll_succed_for_sure

    You_ll_succed_for_sure Fapstronaut

    Post your success story, please in the success story thread.
  3. Lufaro

    Lufaro Fapstronaut

    Don't ruin what you are now.
    Yesterday I relapse after just 4 days and I felt bad. You did a big big thing. You can fight against this moment. Be lucid, don't lose your mind. Remind what you passed to get your goals, 500+ days is a biblic result.

    I can advice you to do this:
    - every morning do some mindfullnes (or meditation or yoga)
    - do some sports at least 2-3 times a week (depends on your fit)