Starting My Journey,

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Sed, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Greetings Gentlemen,

    I have been trying to stop PMO since I was 16 yr. Now, I am 24 yr, and still I am a slave addict to Pornography.

    I lost count how many times I failed to stop this vicious cycle. I did multiple rebooting streaks with the highest being 26 days. However, I recently have become so seriously addicted that I am having a hard time stopping for just one week. Hence, I will utilize every source I have to fight this despicable disease. This is why I am posting here. I have always been a NoFap reader here but now I need every bit of support I can get. I really really want to put an end to my addiction once and for all. Sometimes I feel like I want to cry because I really want to stop. The next thing I know is opening a new tap and start watching some filthy shit online. After I am done, I go back to the sad desperate hopeless feelings again.

    I will make it a commitment to post here when I wake up and when I go to sleep as these are really the times when I am triggered the most.

    For now, my goal is just to reboot for 7 days. Thank you, gentlemen.
  2. Sami77

    Sami77 Fapstronaut

    I'm fully supporting u buddy. ubased on what u've said i guess u suffered enough and u faithfully willing to change this time ;
    Posting in daily basis, keeping urself busy...etc is a good improvements for keeping up the streaks but the most important thing is to have faith
    And now u ready, i wish u all the luck.
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  3. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! Appreciated,

    Checking this morning. Last night I had strong urges to MO. My brain was trying to fool me as I could not sleep. Thankfully I made it!
    Fenris the Dread Wolf and Sami77 like this.
  4. Sami77

    Sami77 Fapstronaut

    That's great.. Keep it that way
    I had it last night too; very much stronger, but i survived
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  5. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    What you are doing is a good way to handle it. Take it day by day, week by week, and with enough willpower and practical methods applies, you will find yourself going on a streak without even realising it!
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  6. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Definitely agree,

    it's been 48 hours since my last fap and I am starting to feel great. I feel way relaxed and my brain is working in a slower pace which feels good. My stress levels are definitely declining. I am although facing some headaches which are probably withdrawal symptoms. I will update this next morning.

    Until then gentlemen!
  7. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Greetings Gents,

    Survived my THIRD day. Yes!

    Visiting this amazing place and noting my diary here is giving me focus. I feel grounded and completely aware that PMO is not Okay.

    I hope I see you victorious the next morning!
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  8. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Greetings Gents,

    Woke up this morning and things were okay. However, I was watching a TV show and a sex scene passed by. My brain was triggered and I touched myself for a few seconds. As soon as I noticed this, I closed the show and came on here. I must not tolerate any sexual thought or behavior. I need to consistently remind myself the danger of PMO. This time I am determined to put this horrible addiction behind me.
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  9. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Greetings Gents,

    Woke up this morning and things were okay. However, I was watching a TV show and a sex scene passed by. My brain was triggered and I touched myself for a few seconds. As soon as I noticed this, I closed the show and came on here. I must not tolerate any sexual thought or behavior. I need to consistently remind myself the danger of PMO. This time I am determined to put this horrible addiction behind me.
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  10. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Greetings gentlemen.

    Here to register my night post. I am feeling more determined to put an END to PMO as the days go by. Today I watch a documentary a video game studio. Throughout my entire life, that's what I have always wanted to be. A game developer. While I was watching I asked myself, did I simply just gave up on this dream? Then I remembered all the times where I have tried to actually do something about it. However, never of those attempts came to fruition because when challenges rose up I simply gave up. I think I used PMO as an escape mechanism. So much of my time was wasted. When I look at my bookmarks, more than 99% of favorite websites are Pornographic. Many of which are extreme and hardcore. The kind of shit that I do not want anyone to know that I watch. Why is that? Don't I have any other interests? hobbies? anything that has meaningful value? All I care about is the lowest of the low of women who have sold their dignity and bodies! Superficial, Cheap, and Shameful.

    Unfortunately, the harms of pornography is understated in the media and in the scientific community. I believe it causes more harm, especially high exposure of it, than most medical researchers would assume. It is not only a matter of sexual health, but also mental health. My ability to concentrate and focus has become messed up. Just after four days of sobriety, I can already feel the difference. I am much more motivated in work.

    I will not tolerate to PMO ever again. I write this and I am choked. About to cry. Not of regret, but of fear of relapsing again. Of the life that I could miss if I continue on being an addict.

    My action plan is to come here and read on NoFap EVERY SINGLE DAY, to keep myself grounded. to consciously program the unconscious mind to despise Pornography. To reverse things. I am starting to notice when I am browsing the web how is my brain is responding to images. I realized I am highly motivated by pornographic material. I want to see any cute lady that pops up on my screen. This is probably why I have such low attention span.

    This post is really long so you probably have not read through but I needed to put for myself.
    Thank you!
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  11. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Finally getting the chance to reply (I was suspended for two days, its a long story lmao)

    Sounds like you are making great progress, keep it up! Have you considered changing your counter to more accurately reflect the day you are on?
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  12. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Yes, I simply do not know how.
    I will try to figure that out.
    Thank you for your encouragement and I hope you never get suspended again lol.
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  13. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Go to the black bar along the top of the page, and click on "update day counter". That will take you to the page to change it, you just need to enter the date and time.
    Fenris the Dread Wolf likes this.
  14. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    IT WORKED! Thank you!
    Just completed my fifth day and I shall sleep and wake up victories!
    AtomicTango likes this.
  15. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Greetings Gentlemen.

    I am here to register my sixth day FREE of PMO. I am proud of myself getting close to my initial goal of 7 days. My next goal is to stop it for good.

    Today I have had some doubts of if I am really going to continue with this or just give up. The withdrawal symptoms were so strong today that my mind was trying to fool me, "Maybe, my life is not so bad because of Porn", "Will I ever be okay with these withdrawal symptoms hitting me every now and then?", or saying "Will these urges continue to haunt me forever?"

    Thankfully, my brother sent me a video of the infamous TEDx video the great porn experiment by Gary Wilson. I really needed that. What was so strange is my brother knows that I am generally struggling with Pornography, however he did not know that I am currently rebooting. It felt like a coincidence falling from the stars.

    Now, I am trying my absolute best to completely transform my view of sexuality. Porn's Novelty is not realistic. Intimate relationships that result in intimate sex are. I hope to see you victorious the next morning!

    Good night Gentlemen!
    AtomicTango likes this.
  16. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Greetings Gentlemen.

    Seventh-day Free of PMO. Today, I felt incredibly better in my work. I wish you have seen how so full energy I was. Even in the way I was conversing with people, incredibly focused and attentive. I cared about the actual work, being totally dismissive of anything else. Things like caring so much about what people think of me, showing that I care about the work rather than actually doing the work.

    I have to add that I also been meditating. Being a Porn addict, my brain is wired to not be in the present moment. In fact, one of the things that Porn does to the brain is to put you in the present moment at such high frequencies, the brain faces a hard time to be in the present moment under normal conditions. This is why I meditate. It speeds up the process of rewiring the brain. It clears old and dusty habitual pathways in the brain and opens up the space for new pathways to allow healthy habits formation.

    Notes to self In order to succeed in this battle:

    1-Never Ever Tolerate a Sexual Thought. Do not enjoy any tiny bit of it. Sex shall only be experienced in the real world with a real partner. No space for Imaginations.

    2-Constantly Meditate. I deserve to have a clear mind. I deserve to live with a clear mind that is able to focus and analyze life issues.

    3-No More Social Media. It just depletes my will power with almost no value in return. If I were to succeed in this, I need to utilize all of resources.

    4-An Inch can run a mile if I allow it. I need to have my guard up when it comes to Pornography. More than 70% of my problems are caused by my addiction. I must not forget that. I need to always be vigilant and come to NoFap to remind myself the dangers of PMO.

    Long post but needed it. See you Gents
    AtomicTango likes this.
  17. Sami77

    Sami77 Fapstronaut

    On our way to the hundreds of happiness days
    Sed likes this.
  18. lovestraunaut

    lovestraunaut Fapstronaut


    Yo I read the whole thread man
    Truly inspiring
    You are a a Warrior. Keep going man
    We're here for you. Keep posting I'mma read all of it. We'll hear your journey out and support you!
  19. Sed

    Sed Fapstronaut

    Thank you, Gentlemen.

    Your comments are truly inspiring to continue the fight!

    It is my eighth day today. I can almost promise that I am not going back to such a meaningless pleasure. Yet, wary I shall be. Addiction is a wicked monster. Preys on people in their weakest times. Of foxy nature, disguising its dangers in harmless temptations. I came to learn about this monster after many lost battles. I learned its mischievous techniques. The key to winning the war rather than the battle is to clearly state the counter-strategy. Here is mine for anyone interseted:

    1- The worst thing that you could do to yourself is to let this monster convince you that PMO may not be as bad as you think it is. Because, in fact, it is probably worse than what you think of it.

    2-Do not allow any sexual thought to be processed in your brain, not even for a few seconds. This is the ultimate danger that will eventually lead you to PMO. First, you will slowly fantasize about whoever. Then you will slowly edge yourself. Probably at this stage, you think that edging is okay, as long as you do not orgasm (Which is totally wrong). Then you will orgasm, by mistake, and feel bad about it for a little while. Then, after a little while, you will edge, orgasm and end up in an MO cycle. Afterward, MOing will not satisfy you anymore because you need a stimulus and your imagination simply won't cut it. Leading you to PMO.

    3-Do not ever say you will stop PMO tomorrow, next week, or next month. You should stop this NOW. Please I beg you to stop it now, If you procrastinate on this, the days, will turn to weeks, months, years, and possibly decades. Porn robs you of the possibility of being your true self.

    4-Do not let this monster fool you into thinking that sex is a natural need that human beings must act on. You can totally go for years without masturbating. The body has its own mechanism to release excess semen through wet dreams. it has solved it for you. You do not need to watch Porn which was only made recently to release the excess semen. Members on this site have demonstrated that you can totally do that completely healthy. If anything, it will direct you to be proactive to actually start seeing someone and get married to someone whom you actually love.

    5-Depending on how acute your addiction is, expect to have withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can last from a few days to a couple of years. My advice, you are not reading this unless your addiction is probably on the acute side. So expect that the war with this monster will last for a really long time to feel completely in control of the situation. Expect: urges to come in random times, headaches during important work, mood swings every now and then. What to do? simply wait and do not give in. Also note that meditation can greatly reduce how withdrawal symptoms weigh on you. Actually you can almost not feel them if you qualitatively meditate on a regular basis.

    6-Develop the basic belief that the Pornographic industry is truly disgusting. The women you see on there are really not worth your time as they have sold their dignities before they have sold their bodies. They are a burden to society. Literally selling drugs to hopeless men. No compassion or even knowledge of what they are inflicting on their customers. CHEAP SLUTS! Now since I have been sober for some time, I realized how attached I was into their nasty world. I shall not allow any woman to exploit me. Not a single second of my time shall be spent on such people.

    Note to self:
    Pleasures in life shall be earned. The sweetest pleasures are the hardest to attain. Making love to my future shall be among those sweet pleasures. Fantasizing about being with someone is not.

    Thank you Gentlemen for reading :) I shall see you victorious tomorrow!
    AtomicTango likes this.
  20. Sami77

    Sami77 Fapstronaut

    With consciousness and awareness like this i wouldn't worry about anything in my streak and start embracing the future.
    I'm so freaking happy for u, put 0 on right side, that's what u achieved honestly
    Sed likes this.