Starting Hard Mode PMO Today

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by no-addictions9-10, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. no-addictions9-10

    no-addictions9-10 New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    A few days back I was thinking about why my life was going so horribly wrong. Over the last year and a half, I have been away from society, not doing anything productive and have been scared to try anything. I had been lying to my family and friends and ignoring a lot of friends too.
    After careful introspection I realized that I get addicted to easier things like gaming, PMO etc. While they might be only couple of reasons, I have become lazy, less confident, totally unfit, quite unhealthy and unable to concentrate.
    I wanted to change. I did some research and found out that Porn and excessive masturbation were quite unhealthy and do seem to lead to some of the aforementioned symptoms.
    I joined /r/nofap. I went 4 days without PMO before i relapsed(MO). 2 days again and again relapsed - this time PMO. The nights are the hardest. Too many thoughts. Sad and Happy. Happier thoughts just involve a girl which eventually leads to sexual thoughts.
    So today I found this forum about nofap where I can join challenges and can pen down my thoughts. Hopefully I can go no days on Hard Mode(no PMO). All the best(to self).
    NewLife101 likes this.
  2. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

    Congrats on joining NoFap; it's a great community! Together we can conquer PMO.