Starting A New Chapter: Hello

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Journey, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Journey

    Journey Fapstronaut

    I have always had trouble making commitments - I think part of the problem comes down to a lack of accountability. So I am putting it in writing and finally making a commitment to bettering myself. I am giving up porn and masturbation for 90 days.

    I came across a YouTube video, which ultimately led me here, and introduced me to, which I gather is a familiar site. It was disturbing to hear just how accurately the effects of porn and masturbation addiction mirror my behaviour and personality. And I was angry - angry at myself, only now realizing how badly my indulgence has broken my life. I need to change.

    I am a 21 year old virgin who has never had any sexual experience not provided by my forearm and fingers. And I am disgustingly comfortable with it: it's all I have ever known. I have extreme social anxiety, and only recently have I had the epiphany that it's not normal. I blame my anxiety, insecurity, and social ineptitude on the introversion and false rewards that excessive masturbation to porn creates.

    The triggering point happened today. I decided I would try (again) to socially rehabilitate myself - go out in the world and try to meet girls. And as usual, I couldn't even muster the courage to approach one woman after nearly 10 hours. And no surprise there, I've been porning out regularly since I was 13. What do I know about real life?

    My goal is to get out of this rut of depression and anxiety, find a girl friend, get laid, and reach a milestone in my life that has some semblance of normalcy.

    So this is day 1 in my journey. Glad to be here.