Some WOMEN (not all) are more fake than the ones on screen

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by LouMan, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Meh I think expecting anything from a stranger is a recipe for disappointment but that's just me!!

    No women certainly are not innocent and they are just as screwed up when it comes to sex as guys are ;)
  2. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Yeah, seems to me there are three possible outcomes:

    1. Disappointment. You've wasted your time and taken a risk (however small) for nothing.

    2. It's fantastic. You want more. This can be worse than disappointment if more is not on offer. You never know how much it will mess you up until much later. Don't think you can rely on past experience either. Every encounter is different.

    3. You've been dissociating/detached the whole time. You've successfully separated the physical pleasure from your emotional center. They say that men can do this, probably because they've been acculturated to believe that they SHOULD be able to. But that doesn't mean it reflects nor promotes good mental health. A lot of stuff is culturally "normal" that's far from ideal for the human soul.


    4. You have unwittingly slept with Jeffrey Dahmer. You will slaughtered and eaten shortly.
  3. willem20

    willem20 Fapstronaut

    Can you blame them?

    I dont generally agree with you in this post, because I think your observations are a tad biased because your bad experiences lately and the frustration/dissapointment that comes with it.

    I must say, that lately I cant help it to have philantrophic ideas despite the shortcoming of mankind.
    The way I see your post, given the information you gave, is that you've met women that you considered interesting but when having sex youve felt that they were quite naïve and 'fake'.

    The critic part of me immediately thinks: can you blame them? In a mass society where pornography and extreme sex is becoming the status quo, where porn stars are becoming regular visitors on television programs (Idk in other countries, but in The Netherlands we do) and even there's a short section in a program where people can ask sex advice at that specific pornstar.

    The extreme sexual performance in porn is becoming the sexual status quo. Not only for men, but also for women. Because pornography is more a man's thing (not that women dont look at it, but it's men do watch it more than women) men have experienced the negative effects of pornography more than they have I think. It's not strange that more men than women look for answers of this addiction.

    The women you've met probably dont know what pornography does to them.

    Can you blame them by blatantly preaching that some women are fake? Terrifying men that a lot of women are fake? I don't think so.