Some porn users still live normally

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Maroš, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. Maroš

    Maroš Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,
    there was always one thing frustrating me about nofap.
    How is it possible, that there some people watch porn and still manage to live normally and behave normally in social situations?
    I have known some guys, who have been some of the most popular guys, but they still admitted to watch porn. It frustrates me that we have to go through this to able to be more social and some people watch porn and still have tons of friends and have sex, even though they are junkies.
    What do you think? How is this possible? Am I missing something or just overthinking?
    • They may watch less than the average addict here does
    • They may have parents who boosted their confidence, no matter what they did or what happened to them
    • They may balance their lives with social activities to a certain degree
    • They may be able to suppress the bad feelings better than you and I which can be more devastating later
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2019
  2. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    I've also seen people like that, using porn for sure, some using a lot, who were socially successful and successful with girls.

    I obviously don't know why that is, but i agree with Soldier of god, probably they had really good parents.
  3. Mr Sitter

    Mr Sitter Fapstronaut

    Some people are able to go home without any issues after a couple of drinks, while for others, once they start they can't quit until they're blackout drunk. I don't know the scientific reasons for this (maybe someone here can enlighten me), but I guess it has a lot to do with your willpower and self-control. I assume this may be a combination of genetic factors, as well as the environment you were raised in.

    In my case, I've always had trouble with controlling myself. When I get my hands on something sweet, I binge eat. My PMO habits were uncontrollable for half my life. When I used to watch TV series, I would waste entire days watching whole seasons. I've never smoked a fag or drank alcohol in my life, but I shudder to think how that would've turned out if it was otherwise.

    When I was in high school, someone in our class did a survey to find out about our PMO habits. We were an all-boys school, so no one really had any qualms about openly talking about this. The purpose of this survey was to find out "who was the biggest wanker", but for me, it turned out to be rather educational too. What I noticed was that, the ones who admitted to watching porn frequently and masturbating more than 7 times a week were all quiet, awkward and had no girlfriends. Every single one of them (and that included me, although I had lied in the survey and stated that I masturbated less than 7 times a week).
    Knighthawk, Freeddom_Taker and Mattew like this.
  4. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    That's very interesting. I also tend to binge eat like you, but luckily i have fast metabolism and newer have weight problem. <But that is the behavior of the pmo addict, we tende to binge in addictive things. I've done the same thing in the past with alcohool, when i start drinking, i get wasted. Also, like you, if i like a series i watch a season in two days...
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  5. Porn can lead to PIED and to objectifying women, but the only way it makes you bad at socializing is if you are ashamed of PMO. I've been a wanker all my life, but I used to see it as my "moment of pleasure of the day", a treat for myself, so I was not ashamed, and I was always the most confident guy in the group, making everyone laugh, not only my friends, but anyone that I got introduced to, or any shop assistant, whatever, you name it; and it made me happy to make people laugh and to see how they started feeling comfortable and opening themselves to play along.
    But time went by and I remained a virgin, the last among my friends, up until today (25), and it was something annoying, because they would start to talk about the women they did and I would feel left out, and of course eventually I lied and told them I lost my virginity, but at certain ages everyone is so damn focused on wether you have a partner or not... Their lives basically revolve around their sexual lives, so if you have none, it's kind of stressing. So I started to be ashamed of being there masturbating to transgendered person porn while my friends (even the fat one, even the shy and awkward one) had their sexual lives in order. You add to that some flatlines with some women I made out with at parties (and even a flatline with a scort) and there you go, I changed quite a lot and I was no longer the funny confident guy that everyone liked to be around.
    clapas and Maroš like this.
  6. There are also smokers who are very healthy. But they probably would be even healthier if they didn't smoke. I see it in the same regarda as pmo.
  7. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    I absolutely don't think there are very healthy smokers. There are people who smoked for all their life and does not have cancer, yes, but not having cancer, or a bad disease, doesn't mean you are very healthy.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Maybe some people have no sexual energy anyways. To preserve it you need to have it in the first place. Men who are low energy in general might not notice big differences.
    And shame is a big part of it, as the friend above said. Porn is for those who have low standards of themselves. Having hot chicks around you is a great accomplishment if you can pull it off. If you don't have high expectations of yourself I guess watching porn is ok but...we wouldn't be here if that was the case.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  9. Mr Sitter

    Mr Sitter Fapstronaut

    I knew a marathoner at work who smoked like a chimney. He was always boasting about how his lung capacity is greater than all of ours combined, so I once told him to consider quitting cigarettes and increasing it EVEN MORE. He tried to quit, but just didn't have it in him.
  10. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    Never believe that someone who is watching porn and is now successful is going to have long term success. NEVER. Opening gates to devil will never bring anything good into your life.

    What looks to you as a success now in somebody else can be just a short-term pleasure and being cool while in a couple of years that person can become suicide easily and you will be the one who will be strong as fuck. People tend to be envious about such shit as fucking girls and I don't know what. It means nothing. What means everything is how you can handle yourself in your loneliness and how you can be friendly to yourself and supportive to yourself, therefore, create happiness from nothing really. That's a proper winner in the life.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  11. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    I doubt all of that, i doubt a marathon runner smoke like a chimney. It's more probable that a bullshitter smoke like a chimney.
  12. aniseprakash

    aniseprakash Fapstronaut

  13. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    I agree with you as well. I want to ask you though is having anxiety in public after stopping porn is social an anxiety. I have always been socia even when airwaves watching porn but I guess these are symptoms that need to away. I am starting to understand like you said how to handle lonliness. I wonder how long this wil lady though ..
  14. Mr Sitter

    Mr Sitter Fapstronaut

    No, he's fast. He was the reason I started running myself, when he took me and kicked my ass all over the place on the track. I always told him that he could have competed for an Olympics time slot if he never smoked, but he's reached the point of no return. He's in his late forties and still a LOT faster than me.
  15. I think it has to do with overdoing. In my first year of addiction(2012)I used to go out clubbing, go to school and relaxing. However I couldn't get a girlfriend no matter how much I tried. I was always come up desperate and looked for approval.(Realization on nofap in 2015)It was hard to pass some of my classes and ended up dropping out. But I never thought it was pmoing that was the cause till I searched on Google and YouTube the reason I used to feel like shit all the time. I also stopped going out and stayed home relying on my parents. I even got fired from my job due to poor performances. Most of this happened after the first of seed spilling...
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2019
  16. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    I believe you are telling the truth, and i believe he is not telling the truth about how much he smokes, he's making it big for sure, just to brag and boast that he can perform well even smoking.
    clapas likes this.