Some bodyweight & general tips

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Alright:), Nov 24, 2020.

  1. Alright:)

    Alright:) Fapstronaut

    Well im working out regularly ( had couple of breaks ) . Im not lifting heavyweights , most of my workouts are based on bodyweight . I gained some nice results over the last 2 years.I was really skinny guy with chicken legs and chicken hands, i gianed 10/11 kg ,+2/1% of fat. Today i can handstand push up , even managed to do some one hand explosive push ups , single leg squats , L sits and more . so just wanted to share some tips for those who want to go body weight workouts and good tips in general that helped me :
    1. Most important - technique over numbers ; Master the move . The point is to make your muscles work in the most efficient way , its better to do 5 well executed pullups vs 15 pull ups with really bad technique .
    2.Variations - if you go bodyweight , you have to explore the movement and the exercises . You dont stop at diamond push ups or wide pull ups , you have to change the variation and always explore for more .
    3. Be creative - once experienced enough , you can create your own movements and exercises , just be careful and dont harm yourself.
    4. Breath .
    5. Cold showers.
    And most important - Food , eat healthy , get enough protein , drink alot of water when waking up .

    Hope you will find this information usefull .
  2. Nice, I'm on the bodyweight training path myself. I do weighted squats instead of one-leg squats, though.
  3. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Yup, can confirm. My preference is training with weights but when that hasn't been possible I've done bodyweight workouts and they will kick your ass if you want them to.