Social Media Fast & Exercise Reboot

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Dec 14, 2018.

  1. 8/90- No Social Media

    I would say I've been doing good lately with removing social media from my life. I wish I could say the same for incorporating exercise into my life. My plan is to go to the gym tomorrow as a Christmas Eve gift to myself. I mean that's a good gift, right? I'll prep my food for tomorrow so then I have that step done; you can't out exercise a shitty diet.

    I've been doing a lot of reflection this past week. I'm not where I would like to be in life, but I'm also not bad off either. At 35 yrs old I feel like it's a little late to be starting over, but better now rather than later. In addition to giving up social media, I'm going to try and give up alcohol and marijuana. I don't really have that much of a problem with marijuana; I've found as I've gotten older I don't really like the high as much anymore. Plus I tend to overthink everything and when I'm high I feel like life is overwhelming in it's oddities. There is a strength that sobriety brings when you are looking at life and it's many problems.

    I can't say giving up alcohol will be very easy. I enjoy going out with coworkers and having a drink, or two, or eight. lol It's going to be challenging to hold my ground and stick to water or just soda. I know doing this though will help my bank account and my weight loss journey.

    So a recap:
    • No Social Media
    • No Alcohol
    • No Marijuana

    This should be an interesting 2019. :D
  2. NFWelder

    NFWelder Fapstronaut

    Quitting Social Media for human interaction is easy. The hard part is the subsconsious mind that actvates when you see the logos on blogs,apps,etc.

    The key to quitting alchohol and marijuana is diet, exercise, and #1 is to distance yourself from people who will trigger your past self.

    Water single handily killed my alchohol addiction, and marijuana is so "modern" and "cool" now it's hard to escape from it.

    Just stay to yourself and grow the willpower. That's my goal as well
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. @NFWelder I would say it’s easy for some and not easy for others. When you reach my age, 35, your opportunities for human interaction can be limited if you’re a single person such as myself. A lot of the friends my age have families and that occupies their time. If I want to I can have a lot of interaction with younger people, however, they’re not concerned with the things a 35 yr old is concerned with, which at times is refreshing and at other times it reminds me of the wrong turns I’ve taken.

    For me social media became a way to keep in contact with the people my age who have moved on to having families, however, I saw myself more and more lamenting my own life because it wasn’t like theirs, so I wanted to change that part.

    There’s a quote by Charles Bukowski that hits home for this:
    ClaritySeeker likes this.
  4. 14/90 - No Social Media

    Today is the two week mark. I wish I had something great to say about this but I don't. I've been happier without Facebook but angry with myself for not working out. It's just one fucking hour, yet, I always feel worn out after work and too tired in the morning. I know these are just excuses. If it's important then you find a way. If you really wan't something, then you find a way.

    Edit: Also I usually post on my phone so the pictures I upload never look huge like they do now on my laptop. Yikes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2018
  5. I deleted my FB a year ago. It’s so bad for you..and look just a week ago they can’t out with FB letting companies see PMs...if I was younger there would be no way I wouldn’t on that site, too Orwellian, I wouldn’t want them to know all my thoughts forever!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. One of the things I’ve wanted to do more of is reading. Today I finally got my amazon update on the arrival of a book I ordered a month ago. The author is David Goggins. I’ve watched both of his interviews on Impact Theory and cant wait to read his book “Can’t Hurt Me: Mastering Your Mind and Defy the Odds”.

    “We must live our lives to a higher standard. The standard we set for ourselves must makes us feel uncomfortable. If the standard you set for yourself allows you to feel comfortable, you must re-evaluate the bar you set for yourself.” —David Goggins
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Limitbreaker

    Limitbreaker Fapstronaut