Social Anxiety

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Jae_90, Apr 6, 2022.

  1. Jae_90

    Jae_90 Fapstronaut

    I have terrible social anxiety. I have no friends. I think that’s why I can’t quit this addiction, because I have no one to talk to take my mind off this addiction. I’ve seen a couple therapists, and they have helped out a lot with my anxiety. I feel a little better now than how I felt a couple years ago. Dealing with this sexual addiction, social anxiety, depression, unemployed all at once is really hard. I can’t remember the last time I felt happy or alive. I’m determined to quit this addiction. I want to feel porn free and alive again.
  2. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    We all go through rough times. But those will eventually pass. Like the good times. Everything passes.
    Look in the future 1 year from now and imagine what could be. Then write it down. Then think about what you need to do to get there. Write it down. Then think about what you need every day, starting from tomorrow, to get there. Write it down. Then think about what could possibly stand in the way of you getting there, and think how you could avoid it. Write it down. Look at that list. You now have an aim, and you know what to do to get there.
  3. Jae_90

    Jae_90 Fapstronaut

  4. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I suffer social anxiety. It was really bad when I was younger. So much as I'd drink to find confidence. Many years later and although I still experience it with certain one on one situations, I'm so much better than before. I more relaxed about the silences. I've learned that everyone experiences them. There was a time where part of my therapy was go out to bars or restaurants and look at how otehrs speak and interact. It wasn't long before I saw that everyone has silent episodes. Some comfortable, some not. that was a really big help as far as me coming to terms with that aspect of the problem.

    Another thing i learned that was really helpful was I experienced silences because I was consumed with thinking about not having anything to say, so I failed to focus and concentrate on what was being said. I couldn't follow the conversation because I was thinking "I don't know how to hold a conversation".

    Learning to excel at things really helped too. Finding a passion or two you can't stop talking about is a great way explore and build confidence.

    Meditation proved to be a seriously powerful aid. it slowed me down, calmed me down. I learned how to control my breath and heart. I highly recommend the joys of meditation!

    Finallly, I realise that as time passes and I get older, I naturally evolve and mature and see the world in a totally different way. I'm more sabai sabai in general. As I said, I still experience the anxieties, there's something crazy irrational about the whole thing, I'm just better at handling it. Much better!
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