sleeping outside for martial arts training?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 23, 2019.

  1. So i am always looking for ways to better myself and strengthen myself, i think sleeping outside would be a great way to build mental toughness, i am not a fan of cockroaches crawling on me or tics and mosquitos, but its all part of the training. Why did i wait for winter to end to do this lol.
  2. Bruce Lee’s training regiment is found online in various places. Look it up and follow that as much as you can.

    One thing that touched me about his daily routine is he scheduled everyday time to play with his child and eat with the whole family.

    I know you don’t have kids but I mention it because developing discipline isn’t 100% harsh self deprivation. There’s the need to develop our social side.

    Also sometimes we think some depravation like sleeping outside is necessary but it’s my opinion that it’s not. You need good proper rest in order to recharge your batteries.

    From what I’ve read about Bruce Lee, sleeping outside regularly wasn’t part of his routine. He went to sleep in a bed regularly with his wife.

    That’s my two cents. I think it’s great you’re involved in martial arts. Best wishes to you in getting better and better at it.
    Still_alive and Ra's Al Ghul like this.