Sleeping beside my wife

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by samnf1990, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    My wife and I usually go to bed together and get up at the same time too. She generally needs more sleep, but both of us sleep better when we are together in bed.

    A problem I have been having recently is with negative thought patterns and an inability to sleep if we are not physically intimate before bed. We make love most nights, or something similar, and she has even been happy to do 'favours' for me if she is not in the mood for stimulation herself. I sleep so well after this, completely content as we hold each other and drift off together. When she is more tired, however, she will decline to make love or to stimulate me and just want to go straight to sleep. Wanting to respect her right to choose what she wants and does not want to do, and when etc, I agree to this, but then I am left wide awake in the dark, horny, resentful and feeling trapped in the situation. Old reasoning comes back and makes me feel like PMOing, or makes me feel frustrated and angry that I am even considering it: before coming to the realisation that PMO was unacceptable in our relationship and deciding not to engage in it, I could simply deal with my horniness myself and be able to fall asleep afterwards. Of course that is not what I want, and I would have similar feelings of frustration and resentment at her rejection, just accompanied by the guilt of having PMOed. Nevertheless the thoughts and frustrations spiral away and I end up tossing and turning, keeping both of us up.

    I've come downstairs to read because doing so in bed is keeping her up. I feel bad that my own (perceived?) need for intimacy, the way I express it, and the thought patterns I end up in after a rejection, are rather selfish and immature. We have had sex today already, in yhe early afternoon, and it was great, but my appetite for sex and my capacity to enjoy it several times a day is not matched by an equal enthusiasm from her. I do want more, and I am grumpy that she does not. And I'm annoyed at myself for getting annoyed at her rejection, instead of just enjoying a cuddle as we fall asleep together.

    I am hoping that, further into my recovery, I will be able to settle and calm my mind in such situations more effectively and without what is basically a sulk. I can already recognise that the way I feel now is infinitely preferable to how I feel when I reset/relapse, and that remembering to appreciate what I have with my wife is enough will be a better strategy than ruminating and sulking. I have it so good: We have sex most days and engage in loving, meaningful, explorative and mutually enjoyable lovemaking. I have a partner that wants me to be happy and wants to please me. Just like a child needs to learn not to indulge in too many sweets so they don't risk being sick, I need to stop, take a moment to think, and just make do with the sex i am having before my gluttony (or lust, depending on how far we want to extend this metaphor) pushes my wife away and I sour our intimacy.

    I would appreciate advice from others on how to ensure a sensible response to late night rejection and just enjoying a hug, and drifting happily off to sleep. (Rather than the verbal acceptance if the situation followed by internal frustrations and negative thinking).

    Writing this has already helped me put things back into perspective somewhat, and i am more tired than before. Another piece of evidence that posting on nofap is an effective way to deal with urges and all the emotions and so on associated with kicking a bad habit. I'm looking forward to falling asleep next to the warmth if my wife with a tired and content head, free of silly resentments and incessant lust.
  2. I'm not sure if this is helpful, but I think your wife declining sex because of being too tired isn't the same as rejecting you. I can understand that subjectively it might feel like rejection, but maybe you could try to rationalize that she isn't rejecting sex with you because of lack of attraction or desire, but rather a physical barrier that makes her unable to engage in sex, even if she desired to.
    Dizzy Lotus and Deleted Account like this.
  3. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    Thanks. This is good advice, and i know there's a difference. But there is also a difference between our sexual appetites for each other. It feels like a rejection because I would never prioritise sleep over the chance to be intimate with her. She would always (maybe not always, but often) choose sleep in a situation where she is tired enough to sleep. That can translate in my mind as feeling unattractive, unwanted and unloved. I'm not deluded enough to think that I am totally any of these things, but I feel emotions tinged with a flavour of all three. Like the intensity of feeling that I have for her is not reciprocated.
  4. I see, well, I can't speak for your wife, but for me there are different stages of sleepiness. Sometimes I can be so sleepy that I'm literally unable to keep my eyes open and just pass out on the bed, even if I had plans to do something else. Maybe you could communicate with your wife and let her know how you feel about the situation. I'm sure she will tell you that she desires you just as much as you desire her, but physically she sometimes doesn't have the energy to express it. And I guess her having a lower sex drive does affect her general sexual desire but I would also view that as a physical barrier to express sexual desire, not because she doesn't feel attracted to you. I'm sure this is all really easy to say from my perspective, but maybe you just need to hear these things from your wife, how much she really desires you with everything that is in her control.
  5. I have similar problems, especially now in my phase of not masturbating at all. We cuddle and kiss a lot but unfortunately we certainly don't do it as much as you do with your wife. You should be happy to get as much sex as you describe.

    I respect my wife that much that I don't get angry at her even if I am super horny. It is her body, she can decide whether she wants to have sex. Think about that when you get grumpy. This is what I am doing in the occasion. Will probably happen a lot in the next week.

    dont get me wrong, I completely understand how you feel and sometimes I am caught with the same ideas. But I reject that thought because I don't own my wife, she is not obliged to have sex with me.

    My wife tells me to masturbate when I am horny and she is not. That is quite an annoying answer, but she does not know I am "rebooting".
  6. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    Question, did you PMO before bed when you used?

    My husband PMOed at night as a way to get to sleep because his mind would go to dark places and he would feel his depression and all the things he was trying to repress so PMO helped him escape and an O would make him tired enough to pass out.

    Is there a connection between PMO before bed for you and sex with O with your wife before bed as a way to get to bed?
  7. ClaritySeeker

    ClaritySeeker Fapstronaut

    First off, you're having plenty more sex than most married people probably. Maybe try tiring yourself out more during the day by doing more exercise. Also, why not M without P if she doesn't feel like having sex, but definitely do not use P and do not fantasize about P, you can fantasize about her instead I guess. Keep the fantasy in reality though, nothing porn-related.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    Woah I am one woman who does not want to be a mans plaything/object and I think a lot of other women would not want that either....
  9. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    Also trigger warning If you click the article just so any PA knows
    0111zerozero11 likes this.
  10. ClaritySeeker

    ClaritySeeker Fapstronaut

  11. your first point was good, but this is so fucked up ! No, not all women want to be dominated. Men don't control a woman's attraction to them. Not even their wives. Get this pick up artist or porn or whatever it is bullshit out of your head and don't spread it. This is part of rape culture.
    Numb, Jennica and Queen_Of_Hearts_13 like this.
  12. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    That is one of the worst articles I have read in Long time. I can say many women (who are a submissive in certain cultures) wouldn’t even subscribe to what this ass hat wrote in the article. Anyone wants to know what a woman wants you need to ask the woman herself and we are all different.

    And to add a personal note, that’s where the sex went to in full tilt PA and the reality is it was quite the opposite of unleashing my primal sexuality with in me.
    Numb, samnf1990, Kenzi and 2 others like this.
  13. I was just referring to what nate1879 wrote, but now I clicked on that article and I am horrified. This is not just bullshit, this advocating to disrespect and rape women. It is almost criminal. It is shocking to realise that men believe in that crap.

    Stop all this powerplay pickup artist wife raping bullshit now and forever. Such posts should be deleted.

    Men do not deserve to be with a woman if they don't respect her.
  14. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    I know how to please my wife. Pickup artist bullshit is not going to help my situation. And I am certainly not about to line their sleazy pockets.

    I know that not all intimacy is sexual in nature, but I disagree that true intimacy means only serving the wife. True intimacy, in my mind, is about a mutual desire to please each other, and to wallow in each others company. Sex is the height of intimacy because it involves true vulnerabiluty, and is an expression of the desire to meet each other's most base and intense longings. I've not come to this forum to make an enemy of my own sexuality, but to stop allowing it to be expressed in the wrong directions or the wrong ways.

    The Notebook is a beautiful film in many ways, but it has some serious flaws in terms of its representation of their relationship. The worst of these, to me, is the whole love at first sight thing. The female protagonist did absolutely nothing to provoke Noah's undying love. Nothing but exist, and be pretty. This perpetuates the damaging view that women are worth nothing but their looks, and that they should not have to fight for or earn the love of a man. The end of the film is much more touching and grounded in reality, showing what real love looks like.

    I chose the word intimacy as somewhat of a euphemism, but perhaps it does betray an over-reliance on sex and a sexual expression of intimacy to be happy. I don't think the solution to this is to simply see my existence as servitude to the needs of my wife, but it is worth trying to address the over-reliance. It does seem like a fair observation.
    Numb and Jennica like this.
  15. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    I you are trying to infer that I am using my wife as a P-Sub, PMO was always a substitute for sex with my wife. Sleep always comes more easily when I am in a place of calmness and contentedness, and the hormones released in orgasm are known to cause sleepiness too. Plus I like sex. Lying next to a partially dressed partner when horny can be difficult if their interest in sex is low enough to (let's not say reject...) decline sex with their partner. I want something, I can't have it, there it is. There are no other distractions (if reading is off the table) and then my thoughts circle themes of rejection, unhappiness, frustration with myself for feeling these things, temptation to just MO or PMO, guilt and shame over these impulses, deeper guilt and shame over my past habits of pmo etc.

    I think the solution for me lies in focussing on positives. Nipping the negative thoughts in the bud before they spiral. Using my backlit kindle rather than paper books as a distraction (reading really does work) because the light does not keep my wife up, nor does it make a noise when turning pages.

    More insight is appreciated.
    Jennica likes this.
  16. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    Oh and to whoever suggested mo without P, this doesn't work for me. It has escalated to P previously, and I prefer to wait for partnered sex with my wife.
    ParadoxPastor and Jennica like this.
  17. PaulD2000

    PaulD2000 Fapstronaut

    A lot to read through there fr which I don't have the time this morning so most likely I am already repeating someone else's suggestion.
    I may be an idea to openly masturbate in front of her if she agrees to that instead of it being a dirty hidden secret after she goes to sleep. She may find it horny and get involved or she may find it a bit of a turn off. Btw you are getting so much more sex than me and most men on here. I am almost 40 so i imagine you are younger and at the earlier stage of your relationship. I am at the stage where sometimes I can't be bothered, not sure if that's because my sex drive is lessening as I get older, maybe I don't want the rejection and sometimes I have lost my erection which is not good for your confidence. I had a spell of that and I was almost avoiding the situations to have sex. Things are better now though. I think (hoping) all men have this at some stage.
  18. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    If I don't have consent to engage in sex or something approaching sex with her, then to start masturbating is to ignore her lack of consent. I wouldn't start masturbating in front of a random stranger, their consent would always be required to be exposed to that kind of behaviour. Being married to someone doesn't give them constant permission to behave sexually to/with/at them whenever the mood strikes. If she doesn't want to be involved, then she doesn't want to be involved. To be in bed with someone as they masturbate is to be part of the act. And in the situation you are suggesting; unwillingly. To be part of the act without explicitly giving consent would be to have had her lack of consent ignored and to be violated. That advice is terrible and I hope you do not behave that way yourself.

    I am younger than you, yes. Late twenties. Over a decade into our relationship though. There have been times in our relationship where I have chosen porn over potential rejection, or avoided sex because I had already Med in the day, and was scared she would discover that from a lower semen volume or something. We always have more sex when I am more honest and expressive about my own desires and appetite for sex, and if I take care to express those feelings in a way that appeals to her. Big surprise: just starting to masturbate in front of her IS NOT IT. The fact that the reverse situation (her starting to M in front of me to initiate sex) is acceptable and works, is precisely because i have expressed that I would not feel upset or violated by that behaviour, and that I would 'find it horny'. We all have our boundaries and our preferences, but talking about these is better than high risk sexual behaviours that could be interpreted as harrassment or assault. Especially in a situation when sexual advances have already been rejected or dismissed.
    Numb and Jennica like this.
  19. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    Sorry I reread and saw rhe 'if she agreed to that' bit.
  20. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    But the point is that she would not agree to that. She enjoys being part of the sex we have in an active way. In the situation I was in, consensual open masturbation was not an option. The solitary and secretive act of solo sex has been removed as an option for me (due to my use of P, her feelings about that, and my tendency to escalate to P if I allow myself MO without P). To decide that I will just M next to my wife if she rejects sex or sexual acts with me seems like the sort of thinking that leads to domestic rape.
    Jennica likes this.