Skinny guy trying to gain weight - need help

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by jasonofap, Apr 11, 2021.

  1. jasonofap

    jasonofap Fapstronaut

    Hi, any tips for a really skinny guy trying to gain some weight? I have abs and muscle definition but probably from being skinny more than really muscular. I think my BMI is 15.8. Any ideas how I can gain muscle and fat and keep it on? I lose weight every month, the trend has been going on for a few years. Thanks!
    bloudermilk24 and Christoph108 like this.
  2. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Eat steak and potatoes.
    bloudermilk24 and Christoph108 like this.
  3. growpotatoes

    growpotatoes Fapstronaut

  4. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    If you have trouble eating enough food at once, do more meals in a day. Some smart people say get at least 25g of animal protein in each meal to trigger muscle protein turnover (to build muscle). Don't ever buy light products. Start drinking milk instead of water, and if you already do so, increase the fat. I mean yeah, it's simply just eat more calories.

    Damn I wish I was the one doing this :D

    Edit: oh and if you're vegan, you're gonna need more protein, 40g per meal to get the same effect (the important part is to get 15g of the amino acid leucine, you can google these stats of the foods you eat)
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2021
    bloudermilk24 likes this.
  5. jasonofap

    jasonofap Fapstronaut

    Great tips, thank you! I'm a vegetarian but am wondering if that's keeping my overall weight low? I used to run daily and swim but since the covid thing has shut down our condo pool, I can't really swim like I used to.

    That's alot of protein to eat no? I guess I can try but I don't know if my appetite will allow it even in 5 meals a day!
  6. jasonofap

    jasonofap Fapstronaut

    Wow, thanks, never thought about this, does it work? I have eaten a whole pizza and lost weight in my experience so I guess I'm doing things wrong?
    Indiahel likes this.
  7. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    25g protein is 4 eggs. Just eat 4 eggs man
  8. growpotatoes

    growpotatoes Fapstronaut

    It works, but yeah if you keep losing weight I'd see a doctor.

    Also, avoid coffee, except as a pre-workout if you like it.
    It speeds up the metabolism and we skinny guys don't need that.
    And if you don't work out, better stay skinny ;)
    bloudermilk24 likes this.
  9. greenboy_01

    greenboy_01 Fapstronaut

    I had the same problem last year. You just need to eat more on regular base. Eat for example some snacks in the morning and during the afternoon, for example you can start eating something like nuts they have much calories in them and they are healthy. Probably the most important thing for muscle development: make sure you eat enough protein (around 1g per lbs of bodyweight) you can increase this by simply eating more food with protein in it like chicken or steak or you can start taking protein shakes.
  10. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    Man I eat so much I don't want to eat ever again and I'm only just now reaching 170. I refuse to eat more or unhealthy though since I like my arteries but just keep eating brotha.
  11. jasonofap

    jasonofap Fapstronaut

    I'm 6ft and 106lbs now. I guess I could just stay skinny forever haha. I'm a coffee addict for sure. Couldn't give that up :p
  12. jasonofap

    jasonofap Fapstronaut

    I got protein powder to try making shakes - I hope it works! Thanks for the advice!
    Indiahel likes this.
  13. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    Bro that's like worrying skinny, that puts you at severely underweight in terms of BMI. Go to a doctor just in case, and buy some mass gainer o.o
  14. jasonofap

    jasonofap Fapstronaut

    Well I figured I'm too skinny since my clothes don't fit. I did ask my doctor, he said i'm not to lose any more weight and try and gain so I'm asking here for tips. He said I'm not 'ill' or in any danger and just to try and gain naturally. Well that was when I was at 112lbs. Pandemic lockdown is making me lose weight (can I blame the pandemic for this too?)
  15. greenboy_01

    greenboy_01 Fapstronaut

    For some extra calories you can add milk instead of water.
    I wouldn't get mass gainers they will just make you gain fat and I don't think that's what you want. Just try to make steady gains over the long term.
  16. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    Hi there , glad you want to make a change in your physique, i did the same think too , 2 years ago i was 55kg at that point i got soo scared, felt really inferior, and hella weak, today i'm 85kg (i hit 89kg;it was too much)with muscle and fat and working getting rid of some of the fat.
    how i've done it? well i started working out regularly, 3 days of work out and 1 day of rest, after quitting smoking & drinking for good, my appetite increased, i eat like crazy, i had eggs daily (3eggs + cheese) , proteins (turkey,chicken,red meat), carbs (lots) , lots of sweets (not a good think tho) .
    this wasn't the ideal way , but i was so eager to gain weight , so what i learned is you should calculate your BMI , and calories you need daily depending on your lifestyle, buy a food weighting machine and start calculating everything you eat, look up how to find how many proteins/carbs/etc.. you need .
    You shouldn't neglect workouts and good night sleep (very important) and a positive mindset , and don't feel pressured to keep the same routine (workout or food) when it becomes a burden or boring, makes you want to quit, so you should alternate every couple of months or so.
    XMedz likes this.
  17. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    He is 6 ft now 105.8 lbs, the last thing he needs to worry about is fat at the moment. So I'd say throw in (clean as you can get) mass gainer with milk until he is normal BMI range again
    brassknucks likes this.
  18. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    You just found the solution to your problem. Start eating meat and you'll start gaining weight. We are omnivores.
    brassknucks and Slimjimjones like this.
  19. growpotatoes

    growpotatoes Fapstronaut

    I don't eat meat, was even vegan for a while. Check out Clarence Kennedy for inspiration...
    But it's easier without food restrictions for sure. Variety is important for keeping pleasure in the equation and not getting discouraged.
  20. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    A lot of skinny guys dont realise they dont eat all that much and lay the blame for their weight on metabolism or other factors. The reality probably is (unless you have an illness) that you eat a constant calorie deficit and dont even realise it. Actually take the time to count the average calories you eat in a day, I imagine you are running under.

    As someone who has been in a similar situation, the biggest issue you will run into in my opinion is feeling like you dont have the appetite to eat the amount you need to. What you need to do if this happens is slowly increase your food intake as well as slowly increase your physical activity until you are hungrier more often. If you drink calorie heavy smoothies you can gain a lot of weight that way without feeling as bloated as if you ate an extra solid meal.
    vxlccm and XMedz like this.