Sissy porn addiction, I really need help

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by N0tLivingLikeLarry, Aug 4, 2021.

  1. N0tLivingLikeLarry

    N0tLivingLikeLarry Fapstronaut

    Woke up around 7am today, ate healthily, went for a morning walk around 9am, got a crap load of work done, hit the gym for a good two hours, and yet upon my return, I relapsed from sissy hypno. For those of you who don't know what sissy hypno is [From urban dictionary]: "Sissy hypno is a sub-genre of porn where images of hot women are utilised to turn on the target audience (mainly beta submissive males) and then quickly after a frame or two is shown of an erect cock usually cumming as well as words flashing up on the screen saying "Suck cock" "Eating cum is groovy" "Wear panties" "You need to get on your knees for a man" and phrases that serve to temporarily alter the viewer's sexual tastes (this practice is known as rewiring however it is fully reversible once the viewer lays off fapping and watching this type of porn) and make them think they are actually female in a male body."

    You're probably thinking "WTF? That shit is weird man", and that's exactly what I thought when I first found out what it was, it weirded me the fuck out. Yet as vanilla porn became bland, I moved onto more obscure things, a tale many of you will be familiar with, and this led me to sissy hypno. It's reached the point where I'm sticking things in my ass while masturbating, and the second I orgasm I always feel this wave of disgust and embarrassment. Yet, even if I have a great day like I did today (until 10 minutes ago), the thoughts just take me over at random times, It's like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Additional bit of information, I've always identified as heterosexual, even when watching the hypno videos I often find myself attracted to the women, I've never been sexually attracted to a man in my life, which makes this even more confusing.

    Anyone out there with similar experiences?
  2. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Literally the same thing bro. So many guys on here have gone through the same thing. Check out my story at the link below

    Lmk if that resonates or encourages you, or if you wanna PM
  3. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut


    This fetish was never an interest of mine, but I am familiar with how porn can lead you down a road from vanilla porn to fetish type of porn. For 1, you have self esteem issues, which is what is leading you watch these sorts of things. Perhaps you question your masculinity? I don't say this to put you down, just as a guide. You need to be kind to yourself, compliment yourself. I'd also suggest working with a therapist who would specialize in porn addiction. Read the brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge. I can tell you this much, I'm a few days shy of 9 months free of porn and a 195 or so days free of MO, with time and abstinence the fetishes dissolve and you return to your regular non porn induced interests. By addressing the emotional underlying of what lead you to PMO addiction and the type of porn you ended on is the key to a permanent solution. Attaching an orgasm to any fetish creates an extremely powerful link, once you abstain you already start to weaken it. Hope this was helpful, good luck!
  4. N0tLivingLikeLarry

    N0tLivingLikeLarry Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the help, I found your story somewhat relatable, about half and half. I checked out the links you have, useful stuff, thanks a billion!
  5. N0tLivingLikeLarry

    N0tLivingLikeLarry Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the helpful words, I will 100% check out the book you mentioned.
  6. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    Yep, had the same fetish as OP. Felt suicidal at one point because of it, but been doing NoFap since January and those "sissy thoughts" have gradually gone away. I still have an intrusive thought once every five days or so, but it's gotten better. Currently on my longest streak. Also spend less time on your PC and smartphone.
    Giacomo Leopardi and Reborn16 like this.
  7. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Had a very similar thing happen to me when I got bored of vanilla and even kink porn.

    If it's not sissy genre, it's something else. Whatever it is, it never fills that void or provides the fulfillment we look for.

    Sounds like you're making a real effort to get out there and build a fulfilling life - you may be closer than you think to getting over this!

    You may just need 1 or 2 more things to fall in place. Are there any areas in your life that you feel are lacking now? Because this is often why we go back to PMO, despite having had a great day...

    In my experience, it's a combination of tackling the areas in life that are lacking one by one, and trying to keep as many clean days in a row as possible to help the brain heal.

    This sissy stuff can all but disappear in the long run though, rest assured of that!
  8. RavenGT

    RavenGT Fapstronaut

    Do not succumb to satans plan of weakness and brainwashing. Porn is a gateway to the demonic

    You have been brainwashed. rid your mind from this shame and FIGHT! Its not you its the devil. You need to F#CKING FIGHT!
  9. TrentBenjamin

    TrentBenjamin Fapstronaut

    This is exactly what porn does to the brain. It demands more and more extreme material to get the same release. I have seen stories of straight men who have resorted to watching gay pornography because no other genre gives them the same hit, I guess it's the ''taboo'' nature of the content that makes it more exciting for consumers.

    My friend, there is no judgement here, you are simply stuck in the vice of porn addiction, don't let the shame over take your mind, I myself have watched some pretty questionable shiz in the midst of my addiction, I think we all have, but like I said, it's just the brain demanding the same dopamine hit.

    Take the feelings you have now, the feelings of disgust and embarrassment and when you get an urge, simply take 5 minutes to close your eyes, focus on your breath and bring these feelings to the forefront of your mind. Really imagine how you will feel if you give in to the urges again. Your brain will return to a healthy state where ''vanilla'' material will be more than enough for you.

    You've got this soldier!
  10. Lumkalak

    Lumkalak Fapstronaut

    I've relapsed many times after a long strike, and amidst a very healthy, productive and "strong" days. The moral of the story? There's no "safe days". Always gotta be alerted...

    As far as the sissy thing... Your fetish might derive from some other issues you're not yet aware of.

    I'm (disgracefully) into really macho stuff. But I've come to a conclusion that it's due to my insecurities and self-esteem problems. I'm trying to compensate my small ego with that kind of shameful escapism.

    But also keep in mind: that kind of hypnotic sissy material is aimed and produced to get you addicted and bonded. Fast clips and frames, novelty and shock effects... Dopamine-overdose.

    No wonder you get hooked. You are supposed to.
  11. cresyhorse

    cresyhorse Fapstronaut


    90 days pmo should fix ya right up.

    source: been in the same boat as you;
    RavenGT likes this.
  12. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    This website is full of people who watched this genre of porn. You aren't alone. The best thing you can do is avoid all types of porn, and hopefully that will make the urges go away
  13. katalizator

    katalizator New Fapstronaut

    My advice gonna be mad simple

    Just fight with that :)

    Believe me, you can do it.
  14. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    That type of (hypno) porn should be illegal, full stop. It's most deffinately produced by people who's goal is to cause you harm, and harm society in general. Its shameful that the major free porn sites allow it on their sites.

    Note that in Canada the government has outlawed conversion therapy. Well that's exactly what this is, except it's an outright attempt to convert hetersexuals into homosexuals. So in my view it is actually illegal, at least in Canada.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2022
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  15. Prodigy Lightseeker

    Prodigy Lightseeker Fapstronaut

    Never experience this fetish, but keep fighting! Your fetish isn't normal and must be cured for good! I'm not trying to say that you aren't normal (sorry!), but that your fetish is! I'm sure that you're normal in the first place and deserve a better life rather than succumbed on that damn sissy fetish!

    For tips, open this forum when urges attacking you! Try to use that panic button, quite effective for me!

    Keep normal, cheers!
    chiyu and TimeToQuitNow like this.
  16. Kiakaha-Newme

    Kiakaha-Newme Fapstronaut

    Day 43 here. I was in deep with that fetish, it was the only thing I watched. I used to read stories, and if that didn't do it for me, go to pictures, then videos, ending up with that hypno. It made me feel absolutely disgusted after, so much shame and regret, and conflict about my self identity. The taboo side of sissy porn causes so much anxiety, which the brain can read as excitement (and think it's attracted to it), coupled with the hyper stimulating hypno content, its a recipe to getting hooked. That genre of porn was created to get people like us trapped into watching more, only for the porn industries greed in getting more views/ clicks. No one actually likes this shit in real life, or would want those themes for themselves in real life.
    Know that it's not your fault or was your intent to get to the place you are now, but it is up to you to get yourself out of this porn addiction trap you're now caught in. Self pity won't get you anywhere. Taking the difficult road into your unknown to make the positive and consistent changes is the only way out. Do not buy into the belief that relapse is okay. You have to go full hard mode.
    Read your brain on porn if you haven't already. It'll help you understand how you fell into the trap after that, focus your attention on your efforts to get better, as opposed to wallowing in what you had been.
    Keep at it man, it's a hard road but the one worth taking for your long term happiness
  17. vasudeva

    vasudeva Fapstronaut

    I have recently broke out of that addiction for good... after struggling with that fetish for 2 years.

    I often stayed up all night (even on week nights) binging this type of hypnosis... literally "forcing" myself to keep watching after relapsing... often masturbating 2,3 times in one night. It ruined my life for years... causing nothing but anger and despair. (Often, my own anger and despair fueled my fetish.)

    It wasn't all hardcore sissy porn, either; the community that watches it shares "motivation" (via fictional stories and "sissy captions"), and that often turned me on even more.

    I am really sick of trying to use super-cool adjectives to create "pity stories" of my time watching this sick, degrading genre of porn. I can blabber for 15, 20, 100 pages about how I spent days on end sticking objects up my ass, listening to "feminine" music on full-volume while staring at sissy porn, watching "feminine" shows and masturbating to the simplicity and vagueness of the dialogue.

    I finally clawed my way out of it; I quit listening to long audio files half a year ago... and quit the last little bit of peeking/masturbation to sissy captions a few weeks ago.

    Over the last few months, I deleted all social media, started working out daily, reading self-help books, eating healthy, performing better in school... and living an all-around better life. Quitting porn was inevitable as I got more and more serious about living better.

    What I learned after overcoming this type of deep fetish is that... every relapse, every moment of doubt and weakness... carries a little bit of a lesson.

    ... As long as you choose to get a little bit better from it. At first, go real easy on yourself; give yourself every reason for success... and no reason for feeling angry at yourself. If your "lowest low" was 17 hours staring at a sissy-hypno audio file... relapsing 5 times and then crying yourself to sleep... anything less horrifying than that is "better".

    I'd recommend spending 0-minutes (not a second) in the privacy of your room... for the next 2-3 weeks. This is what I did in late December (after my last relapse ever); I left my room, and refused to enter it. I spent a lot of time in the living room... took a course on a personal hobby... took 150+ pages of notes... exercised, read a lot, spent more time with my family... and all the urges dissipated faster than I could ever imagine.

    Give yourself no chance for failure... and... always find a way to get a little bit better than yesterday.
    chiyu likes this.
  18. Prodigy Lightseeker

    Prodigy Lightseeker Fapstronaut

    Excellent! really like your advice.
  19. AlexFightsAlex

    AlexFightsAlex Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't worry too much about the concrete porn genre in this case. Instead, I would focus on breaking the porn consumption habit. When you achieve that, all those weird things get off your brain, or at least are way weaker and almost forgotten in some nook of your brain.
  20. Another sissy porn quitter here.
    200 days ago my last relapse.
    Never ever will I experience the damage again.

    Check out my journal, lots of info to find.
    Dr.J_76ers, chiyu and Reborn66 like this.