Should I be worried about a wet dream/nocturnal emission in the middle of s PMO reboot?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by The mizzler, Jan 14, 2023.

  1. The mizzler

    The mizzler New Fapstronaut

    I’m about 3 months into my second reboot. First was a few years ago. A successful 3 month reboot that i reaped benefits so i knew this was a good path. Needless to say i fell back into the bad habits eventually and was PMOing for a while along with many other negative things in my life. 3 months ago started up on another reboot. Went 3 weeks, relapsed for a week and now have successfully abstained from any PMOing 6 weeks when I decided to change everything for the better. Today, I woke up in the middle of the night, which is uncharacteristic for me, I realized my pants were wet and was panicked. Did I wet the bed? I haven’t done that since an infant. Is it Semen? I’ve never had a wet dream before. Under further investigation, I figured out that it was most definitely semen. No memory of any dream, which I never really do anyway, but that makes things worse, having zero clue what happened. Haven’t been fantasizing of much, nothing points to me thinking this could have happened. Upon doing some research it sounds like an over build up of semen from not Oing can make your body get rid of the old sperm cells and in with the new. I’ve been back to the gym for about a month now and I had hit legs earlier in the day, which could point to great sperm production. But this just doesn’t feel like a positive thing and just feels weird especially not remembering the dream. Should I be worried at all? And If this is my body just having to adapt to not needing as much semen as it is producing then fine but wouldn’t I want production at a high for when I eventually to start Oing again? This event has just spooked me a little. Especially having no memory of it happening and just waking up with a mess. Not to mention never having any wet dream/nocturnal emission before. Ever since my last relapse, this reboot has gone seemingly as smooth as it could go. No stranger to the game at this point but this feels like some sort of setback. I am shooting for at least 3 months again, but was thinking of taking it to around 6. I do hope the wet dreams do not become a common occurrence, but they will just have to be another obstacle to overcome if so. Are nocturnal emissions a setback? All feedback is welcome and encouraged.
  2. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    No, it's fine, carry on.

    Lack of dreams is a common symptom for heavy porn users. A scientific study found that a downregulated dopamine system led to decreased REM sleep - which is the stage of sleep responsible for dreams. When you start recalling dreams again then that is a sign that your brain is healing.
  3. The mizzler

    The mizzler New Fapstronaut

    Interesting. Thank you for the reply. I did not think my REM sleep was suffering at all because I have normally been good at remaining in a deep sleep. I figured that I was dreaming, just not remembering them. Maybe I will get one of those watches that can tell me more about my sleep patterns.
  4. Definitely nothing to worry about. It’s a normal function of the body when you are not having sex or masturbating. It’s your body’s natural way of expelling old semen - to refresh the supply.
  5. The mizzler

    The mizzler New Fapstronaut

    That seems to be the consensus. I just wish it could be controlled. Thank you
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  6. Kevin Owens1993

    Kevin Owens1993 Fapstronaut

    Hi. And if I start having erotic dreams, and the emissions have started, then this is a good sign, don't you think? After all, when I have short deadlines, I have no sexual dreams or emissions. And now I have 41 days and now it's all started
  7. Mr.Chips

    Mr.Chips Fapstronaut

    Nocturnal emissions is a natural phenomena and healthy. But bear two points in mind:

    1- When edging/masturbating/being in flat line,
    the nocturnal emissions will rarely or not come. As long as you are abstaining from PMO then don't worry about it.

    2- It doesn't matter what come in the wet dream, it' is fine if you had something annoying like a scene related to your porn genres, your brain is cleaning itself.

    3- One of the withdrawal symptoms of PMO is frequent nocturnal emissions, which is an unnecessary release of semen in your body. This is harmful and will weaken your body. Your body would release nocturnal emissions about 3 times a month. But when it becomes more than that especially on daily basis it won't do good for you. Especially when your body is exhausted from PMO, when you are in PAWS you will feel the setback after frequest emissions.

    So what to do? When this happens, you need to look for what causes nocturnal emissions, there are behaviors and food types that increase it's rate:

    1- Milk; especially after evening.
    2- Sesame.
    3- Drinking water before sleeping.
    4- Meat, beans after evening.
    5- being bloated at night could induce it.
    6- Heavy meals before sleeping.
    There are also behaviors causing it:
    1- Fantacizing
    2- Heavy blankets while sleeping

    These are some of them, they may increase or decrease depending on your experience. So try to avoid these things before sleep time.

    Another good exercise known in TCM that helps in reducing nocturnal emissions is a part of what is called 8 Berocrades exercise. It is the one which you bend and touch your feet while stretching your thighs and legs, doing it for like 10-30 times before sleeping helps, it looks like it strengthens the muscles below.

    All the best.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  8. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Yes it's a good sign. You may find that the dreams come and go at first but eventually they'll be there every day and extremely vivid. After that return of libido should follow.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.