semen retention on day 19

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Donadoni, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. Donadoni

    Donadoni New Fapstronaut

    I had never heard of nofap or this site on-till I was about 4 or 5 days into what I like to call semen retention. I am at the time of writing this on day 19 after having sex today with my wife for the first time during this time and I feel amazing, and I didn't ejaculate. In fact it has made our relationship and bond even greater.

    I am on a spiritual path and have begun meditating every night since about 2 months ago. I have also been tuning into different youtube channels and reading books on Gnosticism, Yogis, Hinduism and enlightenment.

    Without getting into the reasons why these studies inspired me to begin semen retention other than you can reach enlightenment much quicker while never spilling your semen. I would like to share with you how combining nofap/ semen retention, meditation and not drinking alcohol can really and truly make you super human.

    So this is why I began nofap. I actually had no idea that apart from the spiritual side of things I was about to change dramatically.

    So I first noticed on day 3 which was a Monday morning at work that I felt incredibly virile, sharp, smart, confident and alert.
    I was in work and was speaking at a meeting and just happened to notice that my voice was all of a sudden like Barry White!

    Women started coming over to me in the office starting conversations with me. Women who never said a word to me before, even hello. And it all felt normal.
    I wasn't like OMG this hot woman is talking to me, no I was just chatting back as if it was my best buddy.

    So on my break I had to start googling what the hell was going on with me.

    I have to also note that I had quit alcohol a few weeks earlier also, so I thought It was that at first or maybe the mediation.

    I was finding it very easy to abstain from sex and masturbation so far so I kind of forgot about it.
    Then it hit me that maybe its the semen retention or nofap thats causing me to turn into the guy from the lynx ad.

    So I started googling it and started to realize that it was a thing! It wasn't just a way of helping meditation or enlightenment but it was this super human phenomenon!

    I had no idea that it came with so many benefits.
    That night at home I had the most amazing experience meditating. I felt like I as being showered with love from angels and even was reduced to tears of happiness. My whole body was in a rapture of joy. It was incredible. Up until this moment I had spent a good 2 months of meditating every night and all that was happening was I was feeling very sleepy and calm.

    The next morning in the office I felt so high that I could see peoples Auras! And if anybody was near me I could physically feel there energy so overwhelmingly. In fact it was all nearly too much because I was so amazed by everything that I could not even concentrate on my job. But I wasn't complaining.

    The thing is though I know that it is vital to abstain not only from spilling your semen but also from drinking alcohol. I noticed this because I had been off alcohol for the month of January and since I started drinking again my meditation is nowhere near as amazing as it was when I wasn't drinking.

    I only drink at the weekend but even still that is enough to take the edge off my sharpness and extra sensory perception. So I am quitting drink for good now.

    The last thing I want to share with you is that I had sex with my wife today for the first time in about 3 weeks and I am amazed and proud of myself. I was able to not ejaculate and keep on going and going. When I finished I probably could have done with a cold shower but I'm too soft for that. But All day I cannot stop pouring love on my beautiful wife. It is like we are in love again like the first time. Sex is not about ejaculation anymore. Its about sex and love. And there is no down feelings only up up hold!!! love love love
    I forgot to mention she is also abstaining from having orgasms which makes for a perfect harmony 5thof pure love.

    After nearly 12 years of marriage things have never been better.

    Last edited: Feb 8, 2018
    gentle_zergling likes this.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome @Donadoni, I'm glad you're here. Keep coming back!