Self study

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by mcrcvrng, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. mcrcvrng

    mcrcvrng Fapstronaut

    Years ago I worked near a diner that had a waitress who looked a lot like a girl from a P video I saw once, (okay a number of times) and obviously remembered very well.

    Not all triggers will be that obvious. There's a lot of general advice out there which is fine, but I wonder if anyone ever talks about taking a full inventory of what you have going on, like writing down everything in your day. 12 Step talks about a moral inventory, I say just be completely thorough and not focus only on where you wronged other people. You never know what might be contributing to your behavior and patterns until you actually have the information to look at, and you won't have that without recording it - unless you happen to have photographic memory. (aye, hate to see what the mind of someone who remembers everything and are addicted to P is like!)

    It's like a doctor hip to nutrition will ask you to keep a diet diary, but here it's just doing it with everything. If you don't rule out anything then you'll be able to see things that are not obvious and work with that, otherwise you will not even be aware of it. Some things may only contribute indirectly, but it's still something you can deal with.

    It may be tedious, and you may only be able to go into so much detail if you are very busy, but the benefit should be easy to understand. Being triggered in the morning probably calls for a different strategy than at night. If you work out you'll need to eat more, but that will also increase your libido. You may also know certain foods do that more than others.

    There are no simple answers, not if the question is how do YOU, personally deal with it. The advice and inspirational quotes are all only a part of the picture, and it only deals with your mind. If you could use only your mind you probably wouldn't be here, and besides why not just add to the power of the mind by taking into consideration other lifestyle factors?

    I suppose it has to do with how much you want it. If you are serious then you'll leave no stone unturned, that's all I'm saying. Being thorough and systematic, not putting all your eggs in one basket, like the basket of psychology, or what people typically think of as willpower.
    The |E|volutionary likes this.
  2. the crow

    the crow Guest

    Self-Study, as you describe it, is the highest form of caring about life. If you know nothing of yourself, and don't care about who, what, and how you are, you will certainly not be able to care about anything external to you.
    Sure, you can do what most people do: perform a display of how much you care about so many people and things. But that has nothing to do with anything, other than your own insecurity.
    To care about anything, care first about yourself.