Releapsed on day 6, time to join the community

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by youliveyoulearn, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. youliveyoulearn

    youliveyoulearn Fapstronaut

    Ok, so I'm 20, my main goal is to become rich, more confident and add some value to the world, maybe help or inspire others.

    My background is simple, I'm an entrepreneur who dropped out college, I want to make my own path.

    Today I releapsed on day 6, I feel like shit, it doesn't worth it, trust me, but maybe everything happens for a reason. My second biggest enemy it's procastination, if I don't get anything done the whole day I feel like shit.

    I went through a break up, I have a small debt, things are not going well right now, but you know what? I will start again and become better and stronger. I will start reading the forum now, and one day you'll see my thread in success stories board.
    hapular and Tripp2 like this.