Relationship Advice

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ehappiness, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. Ehappiness

    Ehappiness Fapstronaut

    I've been dating a girl for quite a while now and she's really good and I love her a lot but we can't really meet in person and go on dates or other romantic enjoyments as couples...instead we're stuck in this online platform waiting to be together. And really I just mostly talk and flirt and compliment my girl in chats but I haven't done anything to prove my love. So please it'd be really grateful if I could use some advice on what things I can do online to really prove my love to my girl. She recently gave me a note one morning saying "Good morning with some compliments handwritten"...but I feel ashamed that I haven't done anything similar. But I really want to do somethings that could really make her feel that I love her still...cuz our talks are getting more and more dry its like we've been repeating the same things over and over.
    Please Help me with some tips and suggestions that'd be really romantic and bring happiness to her that I can do
  2. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Difficult situation. Normally with 'online' relationships my advice would be to progress to 'in person' relationship ASAP. But I'm sure you already know that.

    Video chats are the next best thing. Arrange regular ones, maybe even eat together like an online dinner date, or have some drinks and really relax together. And if you are really frustrated about the lockdown situation - that's ok, you can bond over that too. Tell her all the lovely things you would like to do together once it is over. Maybe even make some detailed plans together.
  3. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Ask yourself wether you actually can't meet her or if you're just being a wus. I have been in two online relationship. In first I never met the girl and in second I only saw her once during our four months together. The reason being I felt like we couldn't meet more often because we lived too far apart and had school etc. Later on as I've grown older, more mature and more assertive I've realized that had I really put my mind into it, we could have propably managed to meet more often. So I would advice you yo really ask yourself if you actually just can't come up with a way for you two to meet.

    Even with the whole pandemic thing going on I think you could figure out something, unless either one of you is at risk or your country has strict restrictions or something like that. I get it, you don't want to make the situation any worse by spreading the virus, but do you really think it's realistic for you to put your social life on a complete break for an indefinite time? According to your profile you are a 20 year old man. You are at the age to live your life, try a lot of stuff and establish your future. How do you think you'll manage your life later on if at the age of twenty you'll get used to jerking off at home alone with no social life? I don't usually recommend being recless and selfish, but imo it's now or never for you. Even one date every now and then could do so much good to you and propably wouldn't make the pandemic any worse.

    However if you can't get to meet her, go with what fredisthebes said. However don't feel like it's up to you to prove your love or save your relationship. If your relationship can't last through this, you desperately giving it cpr is unlikely to work.
  4. Ehappiness

    Ehappiness Fapstronaut

    Bro really I would love to meet her I'd do anything for that really...I don't care the pandemic or the social distance or any of the other 1 million baseless reasons. But she's entirely from a different country and its pretty much very far from mine.
    I really want to put the effort to keep this relationship going and I've really no idea in what ways can I not make this relationship boring by doing the same things again and again.
    Could you please like suggest how did you guys interacted online and had a happy and interesting times together ❤
  5. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    In my culture we have a saying "distant relationship, all four of them happy"
    Different country? That's too much mate
    For a second I'd though you couldn't see her because of lockdown or because she was from a couple towns away and this time makes it difficult to move between areas.
    My advice? Move over it, as soon as you can....

    I've been there mate, and it was even in the same country, not like a different country....the chances of it getting real and a proper relationship are so small that's ridiculous.

    Sorry for the harshness, but I'm speaking from the heart with your best interest in mind. Probably not what you want to hear anyway...
    Little Prince likes this.
  6. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Oh, I see.

    Try to find new things to do together. For instance you could try some multiplayer game. Also remember to live your own life. If you never do anything exiting, you'll have little to no new things to talk about, and thus it'll get increasingly difficult to hold up a conversation. Also remember that some amount of boringness will be inevitable sooner or later, because no relationship can be new and exiting all the time. Love isn't just fuzzy feelings of love and eternal happiness. Your relationship will eventually go through some hard times and some boring times. If it can't last through that, there's nothing you can do.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
  7. Ehappiness

    Ehappiness Fapstronaut

    Thanks buddy really ❤...I'd definitely try to make it more exciting...I'd work on that