Relapsed to twerking videos (common problem)

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Jun 29, 2020.

  1. Just like in the title, I felt horny when my mom left, so I looked it up on Youtube, fapped once, and did 60 pushups to distract myself.
    Is there some kind of filter to block those videos? There are lots and lots of threads like these. There was a wikihow article on how to block keywords yet it's not available anymore in the new update.
  2. Something I realized when I started this journey, the reason I love shoujo manga (like Nagatoro and stuff) is that I don't have someone who loves me.
    I feel very insecure about being ugly, I have a huge scar in my eyebrow that only worsens it
  3. Firstly welcome to Nofap, secondly you have great potential and that's why the cosmic forces of galaxy have forced you into this narrow path of light(I read too much scifi...). The more active you are on these Nofap forums, the quicker you will transform your behavior, so I encourage you to write 5 messages daily into these forums, that will already give huge boost into your journey and help others, in time this will become habit, which you can easily delete after you no more crave porn.

    Meditation will help you to become aware of your urges, so I encourage to make this a habit(do it 5 mins or more everyday, but make sure you do this everyday). There are couple of books which will help you like "You are not your brain" and Read both of these if you want to be new person in no time.

    I hope this helped, but Im getting very sleepy since it's late and im typing with my phone, so there are many errors. Good Christmas.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Thank you, meditation is something I practice a couple of times a week, I just need to make it a habit.
    I am the chosen one, Muhammad Ali Jr.
  5. Shadow™輝ツ

    Shadow™輝ツ Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Buddy just sign out you’re YouTube and create a new fresh one so you won’t get those vids recommend, also always be aware of what ur gonna watch and do, avoid anything that triggers you, and with time it’ll get easy like water. And it’s okay to have flaws, nobody is ugly, ugly is something that is from the inside, if ur good from within you’re hella beautiful, ur still young and have a great opportunity to be better, take it easy.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Thank you for the support.
    My appearance is something I'm insecure about, but I've come to terms with it, I choose to see it as a blessing instead of a curse
    Shadow™輝ツ likes this.
  7. The filter is not even being anywhere near these “twerking” videos. Who tf twerks in 2020 anyways?
  8. Trust me, lots of people (Sluts?) In my country
  9. Stay away from them.
  10. Of course