Relapsed after 9 days >_<

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Eoa897, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Eoa897

    Eoa897 Fapstronaut

    Feeling like a fools for giving in. I was doing really good. I think I'm going to make some health changes as well. I'm going to cut down on sugar from sweets and soda. Everywhere I read I just see bad affects from them especially Redbull! Haven't made it to 9 days in almost a year, so I consider this big progress! Going to go at this again and get to my 4 week goal!

  2. Mr_Annon

    Mr_Annon Fapstronaut

    Just start again! Never give up! Every time you do it your 1 more step closer to your goal, just stay positive, just don't quit or you will never change!
    The 1000 Water Fists likes this.
  3. Forget about your relapse and move on.Remember what lead you to relapse and try to prevent it.Keep trying until you get sick of it and good luck!
    Mr_Annon likes this.
  4. Eoa897

    Eoa897 Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys! I'll keep my head up and never stop until I beat this!
    Andre2807 likes this.
  5. Eoa897

    Eoa897 Fapstronaut

    Starting my day 1 today guys! Went to the bar and also relapsed on alcohol (trying to get sober as well). Had a really bad night, felt guilty about my relapse yesterday. I woke up this morning and relapsed again. I felt so trapped this morning. But I avoided another relapse throughout the day! Going to keep going until I get to my week 2 goal! Then it's to infinity and beyond!