Relapsed after 37 days (question)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by catriel, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. catriel

    catriel Fapstronaut

    Well, some minutes ago I was texting with a girl and the talk got pretty hot, she asked for pics of my... well you know.
    I masturbated like 6 seconds to make it the biggest before take the pic and... welcome back to day 0.

    For some reason I dont feel bad about relapse, im felling like I needed it.

    Now im starting to count again to 90 days, this time i wont fail but this experience gives me a BIIIIG question:

    I been fighting with PE for a long time, it gave me a serious insecurities about my sex life. Some times i lasted in bed like 2 hours, some time five minutes, but now i think that i could cum before take my pants off.

    ¿Will be my sexual life totally fucked up at day 90?
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    It may take well beyond just 90 days, but ultimately your brain will recover enough to 'reboot to factory settings'. :)
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  3. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    And as you've said before, take it as a "reset" and not as a "relapse". You didn't go back straight to your old self, you just slipped. If you are willing to continue this journey you didnt relapse. Keep strong fellas
  4. catriel

    catriel Fapstronaut

    I know that i should go beyond 90 days, and j have no problem with that, it was being a easy journey for me, this was like some kind of "accident". But the point is that i cant have any real sexual life if i cant have sex because PE and that is what really worries me.

    Anyways i will start counting from day zero, i dont like to cheat making excuses haha.

    And another problem: Lately i was having problems with fantazising, actually i think that i have daydreaming disorder. The main problem is that while in bed, i fantazise with being with a girlfriend or something like that (yeah, im a lonely loser), and that makes me horny. I think that in some way this is worst that watch porn, because your head cant be more sick and specific representing your fantasies, there is no limit in what you can imagine and to be honest, i feel that it overstimulates me way more than porn.
    If someone could give me some advice about this last one i would be really grateful.

    Bye and sorry for my english guys!