Relapsed after 28 days of no PMO. A little report

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by renaissanceweb, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. renaissanceweb

    renaissanceweb Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,
    I've just relapsed (PMO) after 28 days. Here a little report:

    - first 7 days: no PMO, great motivation, no temptation; K9 installed and I constantly read this forum.

    - 8th, 9th, 10th days: I had O with my girlfriend. I had a great sex! I removed K9 (too confident?).

    - from day 11 to day 25: Maybe an excess of confidence made me uninstall K9 and visit this forum rarely. Motivation has gradually become much weak than the first seven days: maybe having sex isn't a good things if you are a porn addicted... O = dopamine; dopamine = addiction. But it's only a reconstruction: maybe sex isn't the main cause. From day 16 to day 25 I sometimes falled into temptation, but I resisted (cold water and other tips worked).

    - from day 26 to day 28: I returned to my home where I live alone, with a tv in the bedroom. In the night of day 26 I was aroused... I was watching tv and i searched for porn channels: i touch my dick, but I resisted: I turned off tv and sleept. In the night of day 27, I was aroused again, I searched for porn channels, I had sex on phone (6 euros for 2 minutes of call) and I edged, but I stopped before coming and I slept. Day 28: this evening I surrender and I PMO (I come in no more than 2 minutes).

    So, it was my first attempt and I just could not imagine that I would have resisted so many days! Where did I get wrong in this journey? Any advice?

    Thanks to all!
  2. Nospank

    Nospank Fapstronaut

    Hey Man,
    I just relapsed also on my Day 28 also. Congrats on making it that far. I'd stay with it and just know that you go farther on the next attempt and get an accountability partner. I was attempting for 90 days but my girlfriend was not here this weekend as I was sick with the flu and I ended up doing the same thing as you and searched for the porn channel on the TV.
    Some tips I have heard work are get into an exercise routine that way when it's late at night you will be too tired to look at porn.
    Maybe since the porn was on the TV you should get rid of it in the house so you are not tempted. I am considering getting rid of HBO.
    I wish you well in your next attempt and I hope mine goes better next time also
    Stay clean
  3. BackcountryCamping

    BackcountryCamping Fapstronaut

    I relapsed after 21 Days… Then I relapsed again tonight. This sucks! What are you going to do to get better. I tell you what was the death of me… Reddit! I was on Reddit NoFap then somehow found myself at all the other subreddits. I can do it I know I can. I felt great.

    I need a penpal/accountability partner to talk to daily :/
  4. renaissanceweb

    renaissanceweb Fapstronaut

    I relapsed again after only 2 days and 16 hours! I'm a writer and I have to work a lot at home... it cause a lot of stress... i can't simply nofap, i have to change my lifestyle... next goal: go to the gym. This will be my first step towards my brain's recovery!
  5. Steel Fury

    Steel Fury Fapstronaut

    The only advice I can think of is that you need something to keep you going when motivation is weak. Uninstalling K9 was probably a mistake because, in this race, there is no finish line. When you are feeling motivated, what you need to do is commit to small things that you can maintain that will help you along the journey. Make a habit of coming here and writing in a journal. Even if you're writing gibberish, just do it. Once you create the habit, you'll give yourself a much better chance of staying clean on those days when your motivation in weak and you're on autopilot.
  6. matø

    matø Fapstronaut

    I would say that your biggest mistake was to temp your self doing your last days of your streak (searching for porn channels etc.) I wonder what your motivation was to do so? How did you convince yourself that it was ok to search for porn channels or to have phone sex?

    When I do Nofap I keep away from anything that might temp me. If I see a poster of a girl in a bikini I let it go (stop fantasizing). If someone is having sex in a movie I change the channel till the scene is over. Try to avoid it all together! I think that the same thing goes for all of us here - sometimes we think we can handle looking at something tempting without fapping but it never ends well. So it's a real big no go!

    An important note here is; I sometimes think to myself that if I never tempt myself with something pornographic how will I know if my dick is really back to normal? I want to make sure that I can get an erection in no time... If that's something you think about when you search for porn, you need to quit it right away! Cause you only end up relapsing.

    Stay clean
    Wanna BE Real likes this.
  7. fapstronaut1337

    fapstronaut1337 Fapstronaut

    You are on to something man. Sounds ridicoulus to change the channels if it's just a sex scene... BUT IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT, it IS the best thing to do. Just let it go, watch something else or do something else to get your mind off it (alot easier said than done imo)
    What I was thinking in the beginning was that I could watch it but just be detached from it mentally and physically and by doing so make me more resistant to it (it being sexual images, sexual camming etc or even just usual media or real girls (don't avoid talking to them but avoid looking at their ass or cleavage intentionally))...

    ...but at the end of the day not doing any of these things will help us more to avoid relapsing. Maybe when months or years have passed, maybe then, we can start watching mild sexual content intentionally with enough control to not go on watching porn etc...
    But I know as a fact that in the first month especially I can get aroused from ANYTHING.

    This was, for my previous long attempt also in the 2nd month so now I am going to be very causious.
    Today I have been exposed to a huge amount of triggers but I have handled it so far. Tomorrow I will avoid as much as possible, how riddicolous it might sound.
  8. Aldrigmer

    Aldrigmer Fapstronaut

    I realapsed after about 45 days (I´m not sure about the exact number: 40-50 days)

    I looked at some soft erotica on youtube...Bad idea.

    But there is only one thing to do: keep fighting!
  9. kingp1n

    kingp1n Fapstronaut

    28 days is a really good effort.

    I also relapsed on 28 days a while ago which was my best streak.

    I think maybe 28 days is a mental hurdle because its the first opportunity for your sub-conscious to kick in and tell you "You've done a month now, time to call it a day". You can never afford lose focus of why your doing what your doing.
  10. renaissanceweb

    renaissanceweb Fapstronaut

    Hi guys! Thanks to all for the answers! Read this forum helps motivating! Making mistakes, we learn a lot! A new journey is going to start! Stay clean!
  11. fapstronaut1337

    fapstronaut1337 Fapstronaut

    That's the spirit!