Relapsed 4 times yesterday after 70 days hard mode

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. There was no urge, no libido, just me feeling desperate. I am not sure if my body is fcked up or me in a flatline, i lost all hopes and faith in fixing myself.
    My case is strange, as i would have moments where my dik works as it should, and then constantly dead, it takes lots of foreplay to fire up my libido, then it disappears in a few minutes.

    Yesterday after 69 days, look at that number... i relapsed, wanted so bad to see if my dik worked to porn or not and my bad it didn't. It worked for a minute, then erection was lost, it worked again for half a minute then it was half erection.

    The second attempt, i masturbated with a limp dik, totally limp, it got half erection as i orgasmed.

    The third attempt, i was watching a 20 minute video, my dik was hard 100% all the time.

    4th attempt, yesterday at night, i masturbated and cum with a completely limp dik.

    What's going on with this pattern? Does anyone have the same issue?
    blunt.ever likes this.
  2. Is this pied? I also have doubts about pssd. Because i took antidepressants in January. But not anymore. And i only started having issues this year
  3. blunt.ever

    blunt.ever Fapstronaut

    You fell into the trap. I'm in same situation. After many days of NoFap, i begin to ask myself if i'm still potent, and try to test myself with some fantasies, but no. My dick is still dead. Then, I start to rub my penis, but isn't hard like last year. Then, I view some pic on instagram with naked girls, and after I relapse, I regret all this bullshit, reset my streak, and begin again and again.