Relapse and Restarting

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Rhonda, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Rhonda

    Rhonda Fapstronaut

    Warning: Following contains some mild talk about sex. It's pretty PG and is on the subject of my troubles. However, I want to give people a heads up so as not to trip anyone on their journey :)

    I thought all was going well. I guess that's what I get for being arrogant about my situation. I think I thought I was an exception to a lot of rules and trends I see here on nofap because I am a girl and I don't necessarily consider myself addicted to porn. Dependent, yes, but it hasn't taken over my life and doesn't interrupt my day to day life. It still screws with me, though.
    On my last post I said that I'm here because I thought my antidepressants were messing with my physical relationship with my significant other. After a few days off of porn, I could "make it to the finish line" by myself using only fantasies solely of my significant other. To think I could actually *ahem* orgasm without porn felt like a huge step for me. This happened twice which was enough to make me think I was on my way to being fixed. A few days later and some alone time with the man, the marathon was ran but I didn't make it to the finish line during any of our encounters. We have tons of fun and I feel fulfilled most of the time, but it's frustrating to think I've lost this amazing thing that was a part of our physical relationship.
    I relapsed on porn, though. At least three times that come to mind. Each time I told myself it would be the last time I watch/read porn. I've realized that I need to step up my commitment to myself and to him if I really want to get past this.
    The thing is, I don't even think it may be my SSRI's messing with me anymore. If I can get myself there, then is it really the medication? It's hard not to feel messed up when I look at it that way.
    My one joy I can share is how amazingly supportive my partner is. I was really hesitant at the thought of forgoing MO because of how he may feel about it. We've tried to be completely abstinent for personal reasons, but failed. However, that was with the intention of never starting again. I brought up abstaining again, just for a little while at least. He didn't hesitate to offer his support. I'm truly lucky.
    In saying all that, I want to give at least two to three weeks of quitting PMO a shot. Maybe even longer if it takes longer to reap the benefits.
    As always, insight is always welcome. Especially from someone who is acquainted with antidepressants/SSRI's
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here.

    I can't say anything intelligent or helpful about antidepressants, but I am confident others here have more experience.