Recommitting to the Forum

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by BigDawg913, Dec 19, 2018.

  1. I joined about a year ago and am still PMOing on a daily basis. I bottomed out in life last month and have been attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings since November 2. Right now I'm 23 days sober from drugs & alcohol and at this rate will pick up my 30 day key tag on Christmas.

    I want to recommit myself to this forum. I've experienced unbelievable results in roughly a month and a half of going to NA meetings every day in terms of my alcohol and drug use, and I really want to recommit to the NoFap forum, beat my PIED and get a girlfriend/be comfortable around women. I truly think the fellowship aspect built around recovery from addiction is extremely beneficial to my life and want I desperately want to get it right this time. I'm going to be 24 years old in February and my social awkwardness around girls becoming to painful to bear. I've only had sex a handful of times in my life and I can't imagine going on like this anymore in my 20's. I need to beat this addiction and create a life that I'm proud of.

    Thank you all for making this forum possible, I love you guys.