Reasons To Quit

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Tigerdude, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. Tigerdude

    Tigerdude Fapstronaut

    Everyone has their own reasons for quitting, but here I'll list a few reasons we need to quit, that reminds us why we can't give up.

    1. Relationships: One of the biggest blessings in life is having a significant other who loves you and you love. I've never experienced this connection, but I know it's one of the best things in the world. But unfortunately, not everyone gets to experience this connection, so if you do get a girlfriend or boyfriend, you should consider yourself blessed. And when you watch and jerk off to porn, you're taking that person for granted because you're not loving her or him enough to only have certain moments with him or her, not to mention that you're basically cheating on her or him. And obviously that puts a huge strain on your relationship and can lead to a breakup or divorce, and it will be completely your fault.

    And when a girl says they're fine with their guy watching porn, yeah, that's a lie.

    2. Unrealistic Expectations: Here's the reality, the real thing and what's displayed in the porn industry, they're very very different. And when we indulge in porn, it gives us unrealistic expectations of what the real thing is like because we see people do it on screen. And this becomes very apparent when you actually learn how to do it. Especially if it's your first time and you don't know what you like, want, etc. (By the way, I didn't do it with a girl, I simply browsed on the web).

    3. Sexual Dysfunction: We've all heard this. But I'll say it myself. Indulging in porn can cause sexual dysfunction which dampens your love life and will cause you wife or girlfriend to feel less valuable than people on a computer screen.

    4. Wastes Time: Indulging in porn takes up so much of your time. Time that would've been better spent doing something productive or fun. Like cleaning the kitchen or hanging out with someone.
  2. cleaningupmyact

    cleaningupmyact Fapstronaut

    Good list. Depending on how addicted you are, it also leads to a ton of physical problems.

    Dopamine abuse from it screws up your entire reward system and motivation for life

    Brain Fog makes it harder to concentrate and achieve goals

    Back, Neck, Hand, Arm pain can come from long relapse sessions

    Just a few more..