Quitting Social Media and Starting Meditation

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MixerAwersome, May 14, 2020.

  1. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

  2. I left social media back in March.
    I don't think it helps with getting plays on my music,
    and it makes me more lonely than necessary.
    This happens two ways, the first is the expectation
    that someone will want to chat.
    The other is the issue that when I go out somewhere,
    people are constantly distracted by their phones.
    Social media is stupid because most of the posts
    are not intelligent, nor informative.

    What's weird is that I don't miss it,
    and I don't think about it much.

    It's easier for me because I didn't grow up on it.
    I was in college when the internet was new.
    Kurushimi likes this.
  3. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    Long distance....I must face emotions. I am very sad sometimes and I can now understand why they say motivation is crap. I am looking forward to have this book on how control emotions. In general life is kind of hard and it s difficult to stay focus. I must remember what I do when cycling. No stop .. keep moving forward. Slowly but not stop
    Speedo424 likes this.
  4. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    I didn't make it. I know I can do dopamine detox but its too much for me.
    Today I watched too many youtube videos and parts of movies.
    I think I should start tomorrow with new energy and with the right set of mind.
    I have to overcome my addiction for dopamine and start a new and better life.
    I have to study hard for a better future.
  5. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    Learn from your mistakes and don t let you down. Don t lose the way and the path you have chosen
    MixerAwersome likes this.
  6. At least you are honest about it.

    That honesty is rare but valuable, and it will put you on the upward path.

    I see you succeeding if you keep going.
    MixerAwersome likes this.
  7. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    That's what I'm going to do!
    How you man?! Long time.
    How is your progress?
  8. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    I want to keep it that way...Thanks, It feels nice to have some support.
  9. I think the real reason why you guys are trying to quit social media is because you are no longer interested by it. Just like people on this forum are no longer interested in pornography.
    I commend you on that, it can be hard to let go of something that most people have daily in their lives.
    MixerAwersome likes this.
  10. By helping another, one helps themself.

    Or, in order to help yourself, you must help others.

    Because selfishness is the root of our porn addiction.
    MixerAwersome likes this.
  11. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut


    You have got a point. By admitting that you are an porn addict and by telling someone that you are on a NoFap journey and helping others understand the benefits of NoFap and Dopamine Detox, It helps us too.
  12. This is a great technique.

    I once had a writer tell me about how writing books, especially technical manuals, would help him to learn.

    So, by teaching, he learned a lot himself about the subject.
  13. While that is true, I never recommend telling anyone outside of this website about it.

    The reason is because someone has to decide first, on their own, they are ready for it.

    If I came up to someone I knew, and said, "You should think about quitting porn."

    They will invariably say, "I don't have a problem."

    Just like this guy I know, mid-30s, fat, balding, mentally slow, lazy.

    You think he's ready for that message? No.

    They will find it, if they pray and seek it out.

    Bring your struggle here, to guys like me who will help you.

    I owe you that much, because you are helping me right now.
  14. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    Consistency is the key. I have read a book in the past that was really motivating and there was an example of "piloting a plane".
    Sometimes in life we have very happy days and sometimes we tend to relax and forgetting to pilot. The same for the sad days...but if you lose your focus you will fall. I have to keep my method all days. This is another important thing
  15. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    I'm not stable rn, I don't find anything enjoyable.
    I don't want to do anything rn.
    I'm just focused on my daily workout, apart from that I'm not doing anything productive.

  16. If you don't need the money right away, use this as a time to keep working out,

    and think about your life's mission.
    MixerAwersome likes this.
  17. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    Come on guys! the journey it's not over! stay hard!
    MixerAwersome likes this.
  18. Awesome streak/reboot! I bet you feel amazing!
  19. PatrickJames

    PatrickJames Fapstronaut

    I love this dude.

    Total truth.

    I gotta cut and paste it into my Discord group. The boys need to hear that.


    - Mark
    MixerAwersome likes this.
  20. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    We are badass...we are nomore the people of the past.
    Badass fight ...no matter what ...we have chosen this path...now respect your choice