Quitting nicotine

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, May 22, 2020.

  1. Anyone here struggling with nicotine addiction as well? I've noticed that nicotine serves a lot of the same functions for me as PMO - namely, keeping me satisfied with being bored and directionless. I'd like to quit both, but am unsure if it is wise to tackle both at once. It seems like the depression and moodiness would be unbearable. Right now my number one focus is on NoFap, but any experience people have had with dealing with both issues in a similar time frame would be very helpful.
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  2. Finalito

    Finalito Fapstronaut

    I've read numerous books and accounts on addiction.
    I would recommend Stanton Peele's 7 Tools to Beat Addiction or if you're feeling more interactive, Ruseel Brand has an amazing video course on Addiction Recovery.

    Doing this, will give you a bigger insight into your situation.
    We're all different, and our lives are all different. There is no one-solution-fits-all.

    So realising this is a problem for you is a great first step. Now you need to get deeper. Learn, educate yourself, maybe visit a specialist.

    One thing that worked for me both with quitting PMO and smoking in the first stages was to drastically change environment for as long as possible. If you want to change your life, changing where you are is a great first step. Doesn't have to be permanent, but it has to be long enough to have an effect. For example, I stopped smoking when I went on a 2 week holiday to the coast and just continued to not do it once I came back home.
  3. Thank you for the suggestions! I keep wavering about my true commitment to quitting smoking (well, vaping in my case), so I know I need to really get into a mindset of being ready to quit in order to go ahead.
  4. Finalito

    Finalito Fapstronaut

    Yes, unless you truly desire to quit, nothing will work. Things might work short-term, but you'll start smoking again sooner or later. The reason for smoking must not be "it is expensive" or "others say it's bad for me" etc.

    It has to be a deep desire from yourself only to not smoke. Only this will work. It might take time to get there, but once you do, it's easy.

    For me and smoking, this took about 3 years and it included smoking weed.

    For PMO, it's taking roughly the same time and I'm feeling I'm slowly getting towards the point where I was when I stopped smoking.
  5. izdwuut

    izdwuut Fapstronaut

    Yeah. Nicotine addiction is a real struggle. Man, why I even started? Anyhow, I have switched to e-cigarettes recently. At now I'm going to try lowering my dose. I have already bought a base liquid with no nicotine and I'm going to dilute my liquids on my way to abstaining from them completely.

    I'm not concerned about my health or finances as liquids are dirt cheap. It's just that I want no longer to be addicted to a pointless habit.