Quitting Facebook and other social media

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Darth_Vader421, Sep 15, 2019.

  1. bobjames127

    bobjames127 Fapstronaut

    What are you reading?
  2. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    social media sucks big time. I first removed FB from my phone then messenger. I have only whatsapp. thats all.
    apart from that- YT and FB on PC for work related stuff and few friends. I do not post, like or share anything! Its crazy when I see how my work-mates are living in this fantasy la-la land like they were in preschool, sending emojis, memes, funny faces, tons of selfies and what they did 5 hours ago - like they were little kids. It really dumbs us down. Or how they cannot go without checking their phone for 5 minutes. Crazy.

    But... did I found tons of cool new friends in real life? Nope... I am too old to get out and drink (nor do I want it) and most people do it.
    I dont want to meet friends by paying of going somewhere (like drawing classes) besides that smells of desperation. Its a common symptom, thannkfully I have one close friend and her views are the same- its a matter of growing old. If you have no family, youre likely be ok with solitude :)
  3. 12&6

    12&6 Fapstronaut

    This is the only SM I do. It vastly improves your life. Unplug.
  4. KiryuKazuma

    KiryuKazuma Fapstronaut

    I have FB, Instagram and Snapchat and also Whatsapp. Instagram and Whatsapp are the only two apps i "really" use, i just have it to follow some people and because of some friends but i don't post regulary only memes on my story because i like memes. Facebook is only for Family but there is the same thing i don't post anything, Snapchat i also don't really use but i can see what some certain people do and some are also so stupid and activate the GPS on Snapchat so you can see where they are or where they live, thats scary.

    And it's scary how many people post Pictures and everything but i really don't care, i also don't give any likes only for real Friends and they are only a few. I think most of the people are so boring that i don't why the post so much and it's always the same. Also the Celebrities, making some stupid pictures thinking they are something special because they are famous. It's all a big lie no one of them cares really for anythingthey post only for the money they make with it. I only like the Celebrities who have they own opinion and not what the mass media wants.

    Probably i will also delete soon those apps.