Purging friends lists on social media?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by AtomicTango, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, hope you are having a good day/night. Just wanting to ask for some quick advice if anyone has any.

    So I'm really tempted to perform a mass purge on my various social media friends lists, as its become increasingly obvious over time that over half the people on there are there for no reason. Most I never ever talk to, and from those that remain, very few engage with what I am actually saying and if they dont ignore it, they dont really engage in the conversation I am trying to start. Just earlier today I sent a link to someone about a topic I thought he might be interested in, and I just get a generic reply that barely even fits anything I said, and this honestly pissed me off. Like I'm not expecting people to just be available for conversation whenever I want it, that would be stupid, but I might as well have been talking to a robot! Maybe I'm just being unreasonable but I dont think I am, should I get rid of most of them and only keep the ones who I properly speak to? Or do you think I am being stupid?
  2. I don't think you're being stupid at all. I personally value friends as people who I can connect with, who share my sense of humor, mentality and interests. I don't need to socialize just for the sake of socializing and I don't need to have friends just for the sake of having friends. Then again, social media is a bit different because the whole point of social media is that it's in the public eye and used to convey a certain image of yourself, measured by the amount and type of friends you have, among others. But if you don't care about what others think about you and you want to keep the 'friends' label for your actual friends, then I don't see anything wrong with deleting your fake friends.
  3. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Up to you. You can also select certain people to share things with can't you? Make a sublist? Not sure.

    Btw the benefits of social media kind of vanish if you don't connect with the people you're "friends" with offline too.