Professional athlete taking on nofap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by nicknz100, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. nicknz100

    nicknz100 Fapstronaut

    Ive been on and off trying nofap since I realized I actually have an addiction in February after watching one of the TED talks. Ive been PMO since I was 14 (22) now and have basically done it ever since.
    I've never had particular good sex drive or attraction to want to be with girls, but was in a 2 year relationship that had some great sex, but had trouble with delayed ejaculation the entire time, but fine with porn within 30 seconds I could finish.
    I struggle with self confidence and have reached the top level of my sport and as an extremely talented amateur athlete, the transition to pro level competition was often hindered due to my lack of confidence in my abilities. Not only with my sport but also I struggle a lot talking to girls and making genuine conversation with them, as I often get extremely intimidated. Im an athlete that often told I'm good looking and athletic body and people question why I have so much issues talking and striking up a conversation.
    I recently suffered an injury that has made me miss the entire 2016 season and went into a depression which seemed to worsened by PMO and my PMO addiction seemed to be really spiraling into a dark hole of some porn that was really quite disturbing but the only thing that could get me off.

    I am currently 5 days in to Nofap and aiming to do the full 90 days after getting do 14 days and relapsing and 5 days the most so far since then. I'm excited to try and finally make some positive steps towards changing the direction of my life and use it as a way to be a part of helping me realize my true potential before I throw it all away and get old
    LimitlessTman likes this.
  2. Jediblood

    Jediblood Fapstronaut

    What sport I'm in the same boat as you exactly I'm on day 7 I have DE to I am numb
  3. Welcome, and thank you for the honest share. It sounds like you struggle with a lot of self esteem issues, worsened by PMO. but there's hope for both. We'll all work on them together!
    nicknz100 likes this.
  4. LimitlessTman

    LimitlessTman Fapstronaut

    Your time is definitely now. Kill this beast before it is eating your city. Picture yourself 20 years from now, old, out of shape and over the hill, wondering what might have been. I was a mediocre college athlete, but I can't help but ask myself, "what if I had killed this habit then?" I had no clue how damaging it was, but just the wasted time alone when I should have been training could have been huge. Not to mention, the disaster that my social life was in college. You need this community to help you see this journey through. Find out what you got. Post, read, connect with others. You can win this battle and take control of your destiny. This is your time.
    nicknz100 likes this.