Problematic Behavior

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. Hey guys, I'm having a hard time with some problematic behavior. It's really self-defeating. I do things like reading articles on how to recover from porn and masturbation addiction and yet masturbate while doing these things! I don't know why I do these things but I feel almost like I'm to the point to where I'm playing the role of a lonely man overcome with sexual indecency. I don't know how to explain it all but it is rather dispiriting to say the least.
    bertranr and Bee V like this.
  2. OCDspoon

    OCDspoon New Fapstronaut

    Don’t worry dude I’ve just hit rock bottom. The good thing is you don’t have to live like that just one day at a time.
    I know exactly how you feel I crossed that line earlier this summer and am just doing something about it now I’m here to help.
    When we stir something up that is really deeply rooted our minds tend to snap back at us trying to make things feel better. Masturbation is a comfort thing for me and when ever I’m sad or sick or lonely all I think of is sex and how I’ll never get any and bla bla bla so don’t beat yourself up just observe what your doing and listen to the voice or reason pray and it will be done.
  3. Tempus Fugit

    Tempus Fugit Fapstronaut

    I think that a lot of the motivation behind our actions is subconscious. So, you read about NoFap and still masturbate anyway -- you're not alone in sometimes doing the opposite of what you intend!

    If you can, try to sit silently the next time you're tempted and try to figure out what you're feeling deep down. I find that silence is necessary to hear that interior subconscious voice that my conscious mind often ignores. Why do you masturbate? Maybe because you feel lonely? Maybe because you don't think it really hurts anyone? Maybe because your frustrated, or even jealous of another person? Maybe because...?

    Find out the emotional emptiness that you fill through masturbating, and then you can do something about dealing with it. From my experience, blessings come from the courage to honestly confront the darkness that remains in the soul.
  4. MaGRaM

    MaGRaM Fapstronaut

    What really worked for me was to take some days off my daily life and make a trip. I have masturbated for over 20 years but it has been almost a year since the last time I did it. And that was a few days before I embarked on a trip I was really looking forward to. I love to travel and visit new places, and I guess the three weeks that I spent away from home, the new experiences, the places I had wanted to see for so long took my mind off of masturbation. Of course I came back and went back to having urges but I thought that If I had been able to stay clean for three weeks, I might as well keep going. So here I am almost one year later and I have managed to stay clean but it started with a trip away from home.